babies with rabies



Someone defaced my FUCK BUSH bumper sticker. Someone, fucking mooooooron, took, what appeared to be a key, and attempted to scratch out the FUCK part of the FUCK BUSH. You can’t really see the “C” now so I have to buy a new one.

I think that this says a lot about republicans and their view of free speech.

But I’m glad I pissed someone off to that level.

So I went to gay pride and it was in this giant park and it was really really hot outside and everywhere was like GAY! and then over here was like GAY! and you turn one way and its GAY! and you turn the other way and its GAY! GAY! GAY! everywhere. It wasn’t quite what I had expected. I guess I was expecting some form of political reasoning for the existance of this festival and maybe protestors or some form of activism somewhere. But there was none of that, it was mostly booths of gay friendly advertising and some male exotic dancers. And Breezy put a dollar down his underwear and she said she saw his balls. so that was fun.

We ate shitty food and the girlfriend saw formerfuck Nicole who was like “ohhhh I heard you got a job at the botanical garden and blah blah” but all I really heard was “I fucked your girlfriend.”

Plus, there were no hot gaychix. Seriously. I was expecting to see some bad ass riot grrrrrrrrrls with crazy hair and extreme clothes and bad ass gaychick attitudes but instead it was mostly older dykes with khaki shorts and baseball caps.

We all had plenty of drink before arriving, especially the girlfriend, and the mixture of intoxication and heat made for a sluggish time. Buuuuuuut I am glad I went. It was, uh, interesting and better than sitting on the computer building houses on the sims.

Today I had Women in History and I learned Elizabeth Cady Stanton was probably a good fuck.

Also I went to work. I worked with a chick more my age called Emily and she was like “God, all this radio station plays is Maroon 5” and I was like “yeah, uh, no one gets sick of them. or… something, except I don’t like them.. or..” and then I trailed off and she didn’t talk to me again and I felt stupid.

I’m horribly addicted to chap stick and today I was without. So I stole some from work. It sucked. I only use Burts Beeswax. Because I’m a chapstick snob. This would be relevant if it were relevant.

I spent the evening working on the outline for my research paper. I bullshitted a lot of it.

The girlfriend is doing some cooking thing today. Teaching a group of people how to cooook with other chefs in the valley and while this is good and all for her “career” or whatever it is not good for her “girlfriend” because its her day off and I require attention. and sex. lots of sex. and sometimes money and maybe encouragement. cheetos when I’m drunk and strawberries when I’m stoned.

please consider: things.

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she rubs me the wrong way too. buy a vowel: f_ck her and everyone of similar caliber who likes to be pompous.”hip” and (buy another one) f_ck with my head. still more wordfun: f_ck me for taaaaking it so easily & rectally. though it sounds like it, im not really angry right now. fagfests around here are all politically driven and shit. ultra rainbow, too. you live in like, republizona.

where your free speech is defaced for the right of anothers free speech, but really thats vandalism so they dont really have the right.

this kid along with my own self revelations brought it to my attention that i leave you an “obsessive” volume of notes. im limiting myself to three per entry now.