THE POPE DIED! (thank fucking god)

really I am glad the Pope died because, I mean, what good to he ever bring to the world?

Today I worked. It was long. I was closing up my little kiosk when I women approached and asked if she could still look around and maybe buy something. I said okay because I hadnt closed the register and so I stood and waited. and waited some more. and she looked around, flipped through some butterfly books, tried on a visor, fucking pussy footed around while I stood and waited to close. The bitch fucking browsed for like ten minutes and then bought nothing. and she didnt say “hey, thanks for staying open so I could look at the junk” and she didnt even say “thanks” she just walked away.

The register today was 50 cents short which means one of two things

1. I am bad at math
2. I bought a soda from the soda guy across the way

you decide.

Other notable stuff:

whores like ice cream. and sex.

I watched the national cheerleading and dance competions on espn today. the university of minnosota kicked ass.

there is a cake song and it goes

wheeeeeels keep on spinnning round sppppinnning round again

how genius.

I don’t really feel like writing in thee teen open diary right now buuuut the key are tip tap tapping and I am, you know, drunk or something.

but I’m not drunk. if I was, I wouldnt be this bored. There was a point not long ago before I moved to the PHX when I used to get drunk and write tee oh dee entries and they would be incoherent and I would be like “thanok god forthe backsopace k ey!”

Log in to write a note

Ok, that lady is a once and future bitch. Are you allowed to flog people at the kiosk?

A study of Jamaican women who had smoked pot throughout pregnancy found that their babies registered higher on developmental scores at the age of 30 days if you want to have a really smart baby you have to be black and also smoke pot. as it stands youre already halfway there. now, lets get you to smoke pot and youll be set.

I think the woman was hot for you and was just trying to work up enough nerve to ask you “Hey, like what are you doing after work? wanna go to marie callendars for salad & pie or somethin?” but at the last moment lost her nerve and couldn’t face you. No doubt. Davo