Disposable Bitches

use them and throw them away! its so easy! no more pillow talk or meeting the parents, now you can fuck it then forget it!

so we meet again. blood from your neck your eyes and your feet!

so, here I am, in the business center at my apartment complex. It’s a pretty good idea to have two readily available computers and a printer around all the time no matter how fucked up Sarnie gets. yes yes, to my right a flyer, IKEA FURNITURE FOR SALE! BEST OFFER, COME LOOK! WILL BE MOVING APRIL FIRST, and to my left, 24 HOUR SECURITY CAMERA IN USE.

and right in front is you my diary. all sprawled out like a mexican hooker with one tit. and a mustache.

Sarnie is ill. Ill to the bone and not the good kind, not the kind the beastie boys rap about. I had to pull out the phone book and make some calls. This morning arrived the computer guy. The computer guy looked kind of ethnic and I would have fucked him if only he had a handle bar mustache.

He liked the girlfriend right away and they chit chatted for a time and the computer guy, aka bob, said that I had mounds of spyware. I already knew that. He said my network adapter was somehow uninstalled and that I needed the driver disk to reinstall the drivers. I don’t have the disk, he didn’t have one either.

Then I had to leave for giant before spring break test and printing of essay at school which didn’t happen cause I only had twenty fucking cents on my print card. stupid mother fuckers. I would have brought my own paper. and I know the teacher thought I was lying. she sort of has a mustache too but I think it’s cause she’s catholic.

from school I went to work were I played with donkey puppets and bonded with retired english teacher and she said I reminded her of her daughter who is an english lit major and aspires to be a freelance writer. and I wanted to say

yeah, I bet your daughter doesnt have crazy lesbian sex and drink high end vodka until she has to induce vomit so she can drink more and spend hours of her weekend creating quality literature on the teen open diary circuit. but she probably does. so I didnt say that.

also notable: your mom’s left breast.

after work I entered home and my stomach dropped. Sarnie was gone. I contacted girlfriend at work and apparently her and computer guy hit it off quite nicely and spent a large portion of the morning discussing hunting, meat and career aspirations. computer guy is a professor of computer tehcnology at ASU and a year away from getting his masters in computer engineering at the university of phoenix. this is all stuff you must know. soooooo computer guy says he will take Sarnie, reinstall XP (which apparently was shot to shit), install an antivirus program and a disk drive, drop it off tomorrow morning and only charge us for two hours of work.

of course this is all what the girlfriend tells me and it sounds fishy in a bad way so she probably gave him head. or he could have been lying and just stole my computer. his names probably not even “bob”. bob. what a generic name.

last night B&J (formally known as cool lesbian chicks will now be known as B&J for Breezy & Jane cause cool lesbian chicks is too long to write and also they are neither cool nor lesbian nor chicks. actually that was a lie) came over and we sat around the table and talked about stuff. Next semester B said she will take biology with me as well as a womens studies class. this is good news cause everyone in school hates me.

the girlfriend read a large chunk of idprobablyhateyou’s diary the other day and told me she thought I was cocky and confident and not at all like I am in real life. and then she kicked me. cause I was already down.

next week brings spring break which means shit to me cause I have to work every fucking day anyway. also they told me butterflies live 28 days, not 3. and then I felt stupid.

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Check out tha newest, hottest HTML diary on tha block — AfroAmerican Layouts…Halla back!

yeah well i have a whole slew of white supremacy layouts for you to take your pick from

i would also say that how you are in real life is not how you are in diary its easier to bear confidence in writing than in real life and also its a lot harder to get away with ethnic humor in real life

but that one time on the payphone about thanking the japs for pearl harbor was pretty funny. and the arabs, too.

today a 15 year old girl on TOD asked me for advice and i told her to get an abortion and then she gave me an internet hug and asked if she could come to me more often for advice

so in conclusion it was funny and i did my good deed for the day enough about me, where are you

you should see Playing God because David Duchovny is in it AND so is Angeline Jolie and in the final scenes she like, isnt wearing makeup. plus there’s mafia stuff and drug use. todays quote of the day goes like this, “and i cry so much i cryed out blood”

shiiit i sooo meant Angelinaaaaaaa

you probably were aware of this when you named your computer, but just in case you werent i looked up the name Sarnie on google and it turns out that’s the british name for a Sandwich. goooo figure. or finger.

or maybe in real life you are cocky and confident, whereas to the girlfriend and others you always seemed quiet and diffident. Davo

one tit is enough. That’s how I imagine Leela, the futurama chick with the one big eye in the middle when I fantasize about her, one tit in the middle. That’s all you need, really. when I’m confronted with two, I’m never sure if I should give all my attention to one or like alternate, I’m not sure what the etiqueete of that is. so one tit is fine. no mustache, though, mexican or not. Davo

disposable bitch is good in concept, but the technology is so not there yet. I mean, have you seen those life-size dolls? IÂ’d be ashamed to introduce one to my mom. I bet the japs have good ones, though, they have crying babies and romping/pissing/shitting dogs and everything, IÂ’m sure their sexdolls are da bomb. Their slots would probably go sideways, but I’m flexible. Davo

Yeah, actually, that teacher’s daughter is me.

…Except, I don’t have crazy lesbian sex. But I keep my mind open! To that sort of thing, not to other sorts of things, like republicanism and Betsey Johnson.

OK, Breezy is a REALLY COOL cool name. Is she a rock star? Does she have any interest in being a rock star?