This morning was not good.

I’ve been pretty happy in our new home but also very cautious…of course. But everything is clean and we don’t have anything really just our clothes so I can see every corner and all has been well. I had a pest control guy come out on Monday and he was super nice! He moved here from Chula Vista, CA so he was glad as was I – to meet someone else from California. He sprayed inside and out and all around and he mentioned that there were nymphs out back on the deck and the surrounding area so he warned me that there was a possibility that I may see them inside my home. He said if they do come inside it is because they have taken in the poison and are trying to hide or something but they would be dead or pretty much almost dead so I said please go back and spray like triple what you would so they die instantly, he laughed and told me I sound like his wife and then we both laughed but then I said ok but I’m serious…haha he said oh I know you are and we went back and sprayed more around the whole house. Tuesday all seemed well and today (Wednesday) I woke up and was cuddling with George like I always do before we go outside for his potty walk and I got up and went to pick up my water that I have beside me and there it was…a cockroach on its back, not dead but just about. I was mortified! Right next to my pillow basically! We don’t have a bed frame yet so our bed is on the floor and obviously I freaked out. I picked up George so I could just get outta the room and find a broom and in the living room next to the backdoor there was another one and larger in size! I screamed again and just hugged George tighter. I had to dig deep to find an inch of courage (and they were basically dead ok), finally an hour later of extending my broom as far as I could I got them both on the dustpan and into a plastic bag and then into another plastic bag and in the trash. I checked the bedroom again and closet our bathrooms and it seemed like the coast was clear. GREAT, right! Well, no, I put Geroge his leash on him and went to the front door where the boot tray is for our shoes and I went to grab my shoes and there was another one! This one was LARGE! Like, so big. 😥 Still moving uuuuggghhhh so I just stood there and I decided to leave it there because I just cannot but I didn’t want George to possibly see it and go mess with it so I had to move it, once again I was practicing my best yoga stretches to sweep it outside. When it was finally outside (which took another 30 minutes and it was right next to the front door) I sprayed it with bleach – completely soaked it because it tried to leave and I did not want to see it inside again so I hope the bleach finished the job. My neighbor was outside and she saw me struggling and she said are you ok, I heard you screaming so I was contemplating on whether I should come over or not. I told her well, I was contemplating on coming over and asking you for help with the dead roaches but I didn’t want anyone to see my crazy just yet- she laughed. Then I got called into work early so, that was the cherry on top. I of course also texed my husband because I was distraught because like…it was right where I sleep at night. I’m 1000% grossed out! I am also freaked out, I can’t sleep now. My heart is not at ease. My husband is SO patient with me, he never gets mad, he never complains at my neurotic requests he just hears the panic in my voice and he does everything I ask just to give me peace of mind. He is absolutely wonderful…how’d I get so lucky…

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to order a bed frame. I am going to put it on my credit card and pay for expedited shipping because I don’t want to have our mattress on the floor. I was hoping to wait until we got our bed from CA next month so I don’t have to buy another one once that bed is here, but no more floors. I cannot do it. I already have trouble sleeping and this isn’t helping.

Dave told me today that we can’t afford for us both to visit home in March and I am sad about it. We do everything together, we always have and I know he was looking forward to going to even if it was only for a day and a half. He is stronger than I am emotionally (as we all know) but I know he wants to go home so I am going to figure something out. I can do instacart on my days off or something. I am really looking forward to when things get easier for us again.


bye for now

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February 24, 2022

Roaches are inevitable in the south. It stays too warm and humid. I would have freaked out over the roach on the bed.🤢 Ick! Peppermint oil every where! For me it’s spiders. Hubs doesn’t believe in killing them so we catch and release.  If he is home I usually call on him to do it. I get panicky trying to handle them.

What kind of work do you do?

March 11, 2022

Ugh I remember the roaches, both in FL and NC… One crawled up my neck once, and I cannot get over that, like, ever.

March 27, 2022

@free_spirit_gal oh my gosh!!!! NOOOOO!!!! This is my nightmare!!! It has not been hot and humid here (thankfully). I’ve only seen one “palmetto bug” it was in the shower and my husband saw one in the spare bedroom. I don’t know what to expect. 😖

March 28, 2022

@colorfulheart Hahaha well, at least know that I lose my damn mind when I even just see a roach, and I guess I survived the incident (did I? Am I alive? lol).

Hey, when it does get humid (lol “when”), just head over to Wilmington, NC. They have some great beaches, and you can actually swim in the ocean without freezing like we do here. Each coast has its pros and cons. I’m just very attached to my California lifestyle for now, but I guess we get used to wherever we are, right? Hope you’re feeling a bit better about all of that. I think about what I’m gonna do almost every day, and it’s exhausting, with my head going back and forth.