Almost midnight realization of myself
I think I just realized why I love reading so much.
I seem to have a knack for seriously enjoying stories about a forbidden love; the sneaking around in the plot line always excites me and keeps me smiling and wanting more.
But it’s something deeper than just liking an intensely thrilling story; the roots a well written narration tugs at pull my soul in a pit of desperation and longing. A longing to feel that love the characters feel. A love so strong it’s tangible. But there’ s just something about reading about it. I so desperately cleave to the desire the characters have for one another. It’s like I get lost in their love for each other and I imagine what it would be like to have someone who is so completely and irreversibly yours. Oh..the painful thirst for a love so immensely promising. It scares me though..I think I like this love to be confined only to paper and ink as opposed to becoming a reality in my life.
It’s easier to fall into a story and let it consume you than it would be to let someone get so close to you. Spoken by someone who knows the pain first hand? Unfortunately.
Right, well, I’m currently reading a FF and that’s what prompted my little rant here. It’s called Before the Dawn and it’s just about the best story I’ve ever read. Not exactly canon but close enough to where it makes perfect sense and it’s not too off. Plus the writer has a ridiculously tremendous talent for writing. Really, you should read it. Well, if it’s your ship…which it more than likely won’t be because I am, shall you say, a bit of a twisted mind… 😉 You don’t mind though, right?