Well.. it’s a start
Little guy is now saying mama, and dada, but of course, only when he wants to =P still not crawling forwards at all, but is getting much better at turning, getting from crawling position to sitting, eating with little mess when given rice, and getting MUCH better at feeding himself. and he’ll hold his own botttle.. selectively.
Chris got a job at a local fast food place, no names because of security issues, but it’s very exciting. we’re waiting on a phone call from the landlord we want as we speak. I called him yesterday because we were supposed to call him as soon as he got a job and he’d get us in… but when i called he mentioned something about other applications and a leak, and to call him back tomorrow and "he’ll know more" ….. What else do you need to know? our apps are in, he has a job now, you have places, we can afford it.. c’mon! It feels like more doors are open now that he has a job, but i don’t think that’s necessarily true.
Here’s my thing. He has a job, that’s fantastic, but I’m worried he wont be able to handle going from stressful job to stressful bedtimes… =/ I hope the money he’s getting doesn’t get to his head to the point where he thinks he should leave somewhere that isn’t so stressful. Is that insane? He tells me all the time he loves me and that i’m the one for him.. but the kids are at really stressful age groups right now.. Little Man is still crazy dependent and needing to be rocked and teething every night, and Lilly’s so clingy lately ( possibly because dad moved in with girlfriend and then disowned his family (her grandparents, great grandparents, etc) ) I don’t know. I mean, honestly, If he wants to leave, then it’s great to know, but i’m worried he’ll say something After the lease is signed… Which is just.. silly. He adores us, and just yesterday he came up and told me that he wanted to marry me (to which i said we can’t right now with school and jobs being where they are, let alone the moving situation)… I just.. I’ve been burned before. I guess i’m reluctant this time, which is why i’m looking at such cheap apartments. Just in case i have to afford it by myself.
My baby brother has been accepted to the U of M, which is really exciting. He had a less than perfect accumulative gpa because HS, but he’s really raised it up, became a part of student senate, and the honors program, and he got in =) super proud of him. It also makes me very hopeful for myself, when i apply next year. I’m torn between 3 colleges, one close-ish to home (great for custody issues), and two others that would benefit me in my career, and thus lilly later down the road. It’ll be a hard decision, and it’s mine to make. I’m very thankful i have more time to think about it.
I got to see Christina a few days ago, because it’s my spring break. It was nice. We went shopping and went to lunch and coldstone. I really missed her. Nothing to eventful happened, we went to famous daves, and it was my first time going and that was fun. Idk. it felt mention worthy but now i don’t have anything to say about it. =P The wait staff was so overly friendly, it was peculiar.
the host came up to our table and asked "Would you two ladies like to try one of our teeth crackling pepsi’s?"
just weird. Christina says they’re not all like that, but i kinda hope they are. so over the top it was laughable.
I hope you’re all doing well.
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Congrats on him getting a job. That landlord sounds like he’s either truly worrying about your finances, or worrying that if he rents to you, you guys won’t pay on time. Sucks either way, since you want the place.
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Congrats on everything! (The babies, the little brother, the job, etc.) And in regard to “This is the Past,” comment however you like. If you want to pretend it’s present, go for it. If you’re curious about what happened and don’t mind a two year spoiler, then ask. I’m okay with that too. ~Anna
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Glad all of it is pulling together. Takes time, but it works out eventually 🙂
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