Contradictions we noticed along the way, Pt 00001

“Thank you for your service” ah what a wonderful phrase, and at one time it usually came with a free beer.  Who doesn’t love a free beer, that is our favorite brand, yes ma’am.

The intent behind it we felt was inflated, because we still want to hide our eyes from the fact we sent a generation of men to die in Viet Nam and then many of us spit on them when they came home.  I say us because Life is We, not I, and like my actions affect you, your actions affect me, and my actions yesterday affected me, and my actions tomorrow can affect the me tomorrow, and all the you’s of tomorrow.  One can see quickly why time travel is processor intensive, so many variables.

So the idea to stay in the moment is kind of a hack, and good advice, for limited RAM systems.  We, suggest that if you feel the need to stay in the moment all the fucking time, you need to upgrade your system, for there is work to be done and this thing was not just made for games.

So we never started out detesting the fact that if we were out and about or had to open our email or facebook on certain days we were going to be inundated with what can only now be described as empty gestures of goodwill toward the troops in the form of ‘Thank you for your service”  Why do I say it rings hollow?  Because the only reason to thank me for something I did was to acknowledge the need, and yet we all know that we didn’t really NEED to fight these wars.  Now we might NEED to prepare for war, but that is not what we have done since 2001.  We have been AT war.  And the slick polsters realized that last time we had a nice war we fucked up and didn’t control the advertising message.

This time they did way better, with Never Forget and Support the Troops and all this shit, but when I came home wounded all those flags that looked so sparkly had beome faded and tattered and no one ever took them down!  these shitty little remnants of a fake patriotism whcih was just us trying to wring the shit out of our diapers after an enemy, let us be clear, did a really good attack on us.  We should in all actuallity applaud their innovation, that was a brilliant move.  If you cannot appreciate the skill of your adversary then that is a red flag you are operating at the emotional level and that means, Brothers and Sisters, you have a fucking idiot for a commander.

The ability to change your internal state is what politicians, religions and marketers want to do.  They want you to have an emotional reaction so they can point you at a fucking target, like they did to us for 20 years and 14 trillion dollars, while y’all sat around and hurt each other on black friday over some shit that don’t matter.

Don’t thank us for our service.   Treat it like the sacrifice it was and do something with it.  Fix this fucking country.  Get off your asses and hold people accountable to the words they say, or get out of our way, and we will show you how to resist.  All we need to do is resist.  Lies die with the tongues that spread them, but we are in the middle of the system, so we shall have to learn to identify the Truth.

We can do this together, for I already have some methods.  Some of you do to.  Let us start a renessaince, shall we?

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January 26, 2022

My ex’s father, who is a Vietnam vet, suggested saying, “Thank you for your SACRIFICE”. I adopted it. It is more appropriate.

January 26, 2022

@scarlettlee this is just the tip of a fractal of meaning, though, and the deeper truth is that we do not hold words up to the standards they should be.

Wittgenstein said that philosophy was designed to protect us against the bewitchment of our minds through use of our language.  People do not understand how fricking maleable they are.  My dogs have more self control than Americans en masse, because I TAUGHT them to control themselves within the boundaries of their Nature.

This is the ONLY way we have found, in millions of years, if we add up all the lives we lived in our imagination and through others imaginations they shared with us.  There is no other way than honesty, we all know this, yet we still go about our day as though we have NO REASON TO EXPECT IT from all the others out there.

And THEY think that lying to us, sometimes, is for our best good.  Fucking idiots these humans that think they are individuals.  I was one, and still am, but we are more now, and see our errors for the silly ideas that they were.  The child in us was wiser than the adults to whom we hitched our wagon when they acted like they knew the answers.

Anyone who tells you someone has the answers and all you have to do is find that person or group, they are selling you something

January 26, 2022

It seems clear that if you are concerned with patriarchy and the inequality of the sexes one must also address the atomic family, for it is here that these programs get replicated.

What we are saying is that parents shouldn’t have automatic admin privileges to fuck up their kids with their faulty and unanalyized code base.

January 26, 2022

@sisyphus yeah, but to use your terminology, that is an advanced users discussion.  Right now kids are in the middle of a game of Power that is damaging to everything, and to say now that parents are the problem is like saying that we need reasonable gun control legislation right after a mass shooting.  Hahaha.  Sorry, remember when we used to have so much time between mass shootings and stuff?  Ah, MAGA


January 26, 2022

@cygnusx-1 Truth, brothers and sisters.  The only ones who ever say it is inappropriate to do a post mortem, an AAR, or whatever you want to call it, are the ones who think the way it is should be the way it stays, but are too stupid to know that if we don’t progress we begin to fall backwards because the fucking stream is MOVING

January 26, 2022

We want history to be a LITTLE sticky, like we need a tail on a kite.  No tail we fly wildly, the tail too long the kite falls to the ground.
We want history and culture to be a little sticky.  too sticky and it gums up the engine.  We need some STP up in this bitch, can I get an amen or at least a can of degunk spray

January 26, 2022

Lecke said the word was ‘vituperation’ but we think he made that shit up