Happy … unexpected, but yeh that’s me

Moments lately – sitting on the couch (ok all of my recent moments involve my lazy self sitting on the couch!) unhem…
sitting on the couch watching the evening news while playing a stupid game on my phone … suddenly realizing that I feel “happy”!
deciding to host my two favorite holiday parties again this year which I have skipped for the last 2 years: “No Big Deal” come and go open house for all friends and “Neighborhood open house”.
it had been a while since we got together, and I had no idea how many friends (many in our “pod”) would feel comfortable enough to come. But inviting them made me feel happy.
Hubby and I (at my arrangement) took the grandkids on a train ride to the North Pole out of Palestine, TX. Happy!
I have spent a lot of time with depression and anxiety and worry based on actual real-world issues. My mom’s dementia, my own breast cancer, my tibia break a year ago which put me in a wheelchair for 3 months (while still on chemo), Covid, the passing of my husband’s mother, my middle-son’s failure to launch. yet…
oh and plus, my dad died at Christmastime years ago, and my sister and I agree that it has taken a long time to get our hearts ready to feel happy at Christmas. But I am there, and she told me she is too… Happy!
I feel happy!
I wish all of you the blessings of Christmas and Hope for the best New Year ever!
So cute everyone’s wearing the same outfit…Happy Christmas!!!
@mermywinchester The outfits are part of the fun; however that day in Texas they felt super hot. Still nice pjs which my husband and I separatly chose to put on this evening now that the outside temp is at least down into the 50’s… lol.
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