New speech…

Now, for all those parents, may I have your attention please.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

     I am once again addressing to you all live on my own OD about what we have all just witnessed this week. Now, not too long ago, a total of four high school students over in the state of Michigan, have recently lost their lives in what it had appeared to be from a very atrocious and very tragic school shooting that was both, very senseless and very unexpected. Now, over and over again, we, the people, often do entrust our public schools to be a safe haven for our very precious children so that they all would have a safe place to grow, to learn new skills and even to graduate that would make their parents proud. But, nowadays, that is truly no longer the case. For even our own schools and our universities are under attack from whatever our kids, whether it be a girl or a boy, of any young age or of any race, are currently learning about in our schools, such very pathetic subjects, such as critical race theory, how to skip school and  pull off a protest, or even our high school students should be staying in school and graduating, not to be dropping out and forming their own political organizations, along with many other known forms of very socialistic classroom subjects that yes, our kids should not be or should not need to be taught that in the classroom or it having any place in our schools and in our lives. Our precious children should be learning about real time school subjects, such as math, spelling, geography, history, actual science, and social skills. Not be very extremely indoctrinated by their so-called teachers to become left-wing activists. Yes, no child should not be taught any left-wing subjects in the classroom or to be a political or a climate activist or even to hate another child because of their race or their own gender. Our kids should be kids, making new friends and having aspiring hopes and dreams for a more better and brighter future. Now, let’s go back to the recent school shooting that had already taken place. If I am speaking to any parent that is on this site, then, I am truly sorry for your loss. There are truly no such words to completely describe what has happened this week in Michigan. Yet, there are too many unresolved questions that still do linger on about why are our precious children are still bringing loaded weapons to school. Very hard core questions such as, was the child a victim of being bullied by an other student? Was the child even a victim of such excessive peer pressure from a school clique or some other group of kids? Was the child having boyfriend or girlfriend relationship problems? Was the child having very atrocious anger issues or any other problems at home, whether it be a foster home, group home or an orphanage? And many other such questions that often do arise from a school shooting. You see, our kids these days usually pull off these kind of dreadful and atrocious events is because of what they see and hear on TV, in the movies or even in a violent video game and even on social media sites or what they post on their cell phones and from their text messages. Yes, it is no such rocket science on why we now have elementary school age kids, such as little girls, for example, dressing up like they’re teenagers or why our high school students are skipping school to form new political organizations that should not have ever existed. No, it is not because of climate change or a very fictitious climate crisis that we, the people, are still hearing these kinds of tragic stories from our schools that would ultimately end up with a student bringing a loaded gun to school all because that child cannot control their own anger and other emotions towards other people, whether it be towards an another student or even a classroom teacher. Nobody has never said that it is from climate change that why our precious children are acting like this. No, it is because of what our kids are now learning about and from what they see and hear on TV, in the movies or even in a violent video game as well as on social media sites. That is why we all are still hearing about school bullyings and school shootings. It is because of what our kids are being affected by while in the classroom.

Good night everyone and remember, I really want you to think. Not panic. 

Commentary speech by David. 

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