What do you want?
Thought I title this with a quote by Londo Mollari (from Babylon 5)
Somebody asked me a good question.
What are some things that I have in common with little Greta, well here’s your answer:
-That we’re both autistic.
-We both are Aspies.
-We both are the youngest in our families.
-We both like to travel.
-We both like boats (me, like warships whereas, she likes yachts)
-We both are speakers
-We both have been depressed and bullied at one time or another.
-We both were born in years that the sequels to Star Wars movies were popular (me, it was The Empire Strikes Back whereas hers was Attack of the Clones)
-We both speak more than one language. (Actually, I also speak German besides English and French) so, I kinda beat her on that.
-We both like to dance. (I was a break dancer for a time)
But the only things that Greta doesn’t have is that I stayed in school and graduated (she dropped out). A very photographic memory, a real education, I actually write my own speeches (she only reads from a script). I’m more calmer, more logical. I’m more inspiring. And I can actually distinguish fact from fiction. (Some of her speeches are actually misleading and very poorly researched, why? Cause I’ve read them before I wrote The Greta Speech)
That’s about it. Anything else?
My sister (who’s bday is today) Bees is an Aspie. I am the youngest in my real family too. I have an older sister Marie and an older brother John.
That’s nice Sammy.
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