Labor day

Its labor day and im off work thankfully i dont have to go back until wednesday. Not that my weekend was fun i had astupid sinus infection and had to figure out how to afford the antibiotics. Luckily they was only 13$ but still when ur less then broke thats a lot. Bryan put in an app for fresh mark hopefully he can get in there and hopefully he can get nights. I just cant wait til income tax time when i can catch all my debt up and move out of my parents house again. My mom is seriously getting on my nerves, she is like basically trying to raise my kids like hello i did a good job for how many years i wasnt living with you? And then everytime something is knocked over or a mess on the floor my dog did it b/c her dog is so perfect! well find out how perfect her dog is when i move and the messes still continue.


Uggghh  i gotta go fix my sons DS

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