Grooving to music… and yepp another early morning…

I invariably call Barnabas a stupid fuck bc let’s face it, computers can be dumb as posts… or maybe it’s their owner that is fucked up? Am I fucked? Not really, I just… well, I have had a rather shitty night. Up half the night bc a) Julz’ snoring, and b) late evening coffee fix…. and that would be my own fault. So…. whatevs…

I will probably sleep later on… I am a bit worried, Idk if we need our vaccination passports when we go to Wimpy’s. Fuck! I reckon so though bc pretty much everywhere you need it.

Pfft. I’m getting hungry…  I am also quite cold bc I had the damn window open all night bc last night Julz and I were quite the gassy girlies. Don’t ask why and yes, TMI, but what can you do??? Zip. That’s what. LOL!!!!!!

I need to check my bg levels ….. 7.5 which is on target thank the good Lord. I haven’t had them this level in a dog’s age! This is excellent. Basically, the highest this week was prolly about 16 and the lowest about 6?

Oh shit. Our stupid fucking neighbor from hell Buddy just roared off someplace. I swear the stupid idiots from Taranna (Toronto) are trying to take over peaceful Newmarket. It’s like they think that they can drag on Davis at night and they usually do…

Whatevs. I am not gonna let Bud ruin my day. 😀 😀 😀 (my shit eating grin lol)

Anyways, I might just chill in the quiet room with my tab. My sister is getting her iPad today and I will register her in mine so that we can Facetime with our sister Bees when Bees goes home for the hols.

I need to stfu now… I talk waaaay too much…



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October 2, 2021

Sammy! This might be the longest entry I’ve seen from you. What did you put in that coffee last night?

October 2, 2021

@heffay it was just milk. I sometimes will chew ppl’s ears off.. it’s a quirk of mine.. lol