New news…
So I don’t know if I mentioned about my phone having problems the day of the party at Marty’s or not but yeah the phone was acting up a lot! It’s a piece of shit phone and I’ve been due to get a new one for quite awhile. I received it the other day and boy what a process trying to transfer everything from the old phone to the new. I think today I finally have everything on here that I need. Although, on my old phone I had a shortcut to open diary and on this one I can’t get it…***sigh*** Oh well, I can still get on here easily enough.
I have been having pain in my heel of my left foot for almost 2yrs now but have been ignoring it until now. Now it’s a lot more painful. I went to a podiatrist today and it turns out to be a bigger problem than what I was expecting. You see, I’ve had problems with my feet since I was a child and was told my Achilles tendon didn’t grow with my foot. Instead it stretches tight. At one point my doctor a long time ago wanted to cut it and insert something to lengthen it but it was never done. This doctor wants to try a few things first before we resort to surgery. The stretching of the Achilles tendon up against my heel has caused a bursa and now I have bone that has grown behind the heel which is where the pain comes from. So for now he sent over a steroid pack to my pharmacy for me to take and sent me home with a boot type apparatus that I have to put my foot into and do a stretch for 30 minutes everyday for 2 weeks. He says that should stretch the tendon a bit and take away some of the pain as well. I go back in 2wks to see if we need to do anything else.
Yesterday was Marty’s 51st birthday. I felt bad for him because his sister didn’t even send him a birthday wish let alone call him or stop over. She’s treating him so bad all because he wanted his portion of the inheritance. She held onto it for over 2yrs and if he didn’t have a financial issue come up she’d still be holding it. He gave her over 2yrs to use that money towards a new house but she procrastinated. If she’d gotten the house and then sold hers to give him his money in that time then this wouldn’t have happened. He couldn’t wait any longer. Now she says she’ll never have a new house because they’re too expensive and she can’t afford them. She says by giving him his money he’d taken her dreams and smashed them all to hell. She can get a house like anyone else… sell hers and use that towards a new home or just get a loan. God knows she gets a ton of money from her ex husband for child support and alimony outside of her own income and inheritance. Sheesh!
He did get other birthday wishes though and that was nice. He was just a little down because of his sister. He has me taking shots with him now every once in awhile. I haven’t felt a buzz from alcohol in a long time. It felt great! I won’t do it all the time with him though. It’s just not my thing.
Tonight I’m making the 2 of us my Hawaiian style pork loin and sautéed zucchini and yellow squash for dinner. He tried a bite of the pork loin last month and loved it so I told him I’d make it this month for us both. Last night I had 1 hamburger and 2 ears of corn. I’m still doing great on healthier eating and drinking. I won’t weigh myself again till I have to go to my primary doctor’s office on Sept 2. I am curious as to where I am now weight wise but I don’t want to weigh myself often. I guess I’m afraid to be disappointed.
Well I think that catches me up a bit. I hope everyone is staying cool and dry. Here is been hot as hell and lots of thunderstorms. Take care my friends!
Hopefully the stretching helps your tendon and alleviates your pain. No fun!
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