
We have Rosie follow us up each night now, but she seems to prefer to sleep downstairs because after about five minutes of watching us get ready she goes back downstairs. Last night was awful because she went downstairs and I could hear her scratching at the floor. It was so bad at 12:30 that it woke us both us and I yelled down to her to go to sleep. The second time was at 2:30 and only woke me up and it was short-lived. I don’t know what she’s doing down here. We were keeping her upstairs before but this past weekend she woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to play! LOL She’s 11 and she wanted to play and was barking at Amos to wake up. Rediculous! LOL
This Wednesday is my last evening class at EY. I get to give my students that much notice. Real nice. I told them I would teach for a month, but who knows. The owner of EY is goofy like that. I might still get one more Saturday at EY, but I can’t really count on that either. Its going to feel so weird to be teaching only one class a week.
I finally got my cube at work. They finished setting it up yesterday afternoon. I moved a few things into it, but I need to get some pictures and things together to take in to make it "my space." It’ll just feel good to have a place that I can go and not have to worry about being in someone else’s way. And I finally feel like I can get organized too. I’ve really been thinking about what I want to make of this job. What I can manifest. I know what I’m good at and this company has room for me to grow. No one uses titles at this company and there really are no "assistants." This is really nice because I don’t think of myself in that pigeon-hole now. Part of me has this vision of one day doing exactly what my boss does, only on a smaller scale… maybe splitting up the properties with him. But we’ll see. Doing that means taking on a lot more responsibility, a lot more headaches and stress, and putting myself in a position of having to make mistakes and be accountable for them! So, I’ve just been thinking about it and trying to decide what I want to grow into.
I’ve been in a lot of physical pain lately. My sacrum and very low back are hurting so bad. I go to the chiropractor that Mich works for tomorrow. Mich gave me a massage for my birthday and since the day after that, my sacrum just has not felt right. I am having trouble putting my pants on… that action of bending forward a little and lifting my leg at the same time are killing me. I have never felt anything like this before. I’m sure its all connected to sitting and driving such long distances now. I’m just really hopeful to get some relief tomorrow.
I need to do a photo update, but in the meantime, here’s one of the kids.

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April 23, 2013

cutest pups ever!!

April 23, 2013

I wish i had a cube. Is… is that two dogs or one dog clones in photoshop? Wait, it’s two dogs. Wow, they look alike.

April 24, 2013

So glad you got your cube – I imagine it will be nice to make it your own. Our office only has three people in it, but neither of my co-workers really have any personal effects in their space – just seems weird to me. I love the picture of the kids – they look so happy! Sounds like that little Rosie is getting feisty! LOL – Feel better soon!! 🙂