Spencer P Jones

We went to the local cafe, the Famous Blue Raincoat, last Thursday for dinner and to listen to music. The musician was Spencer P Jones, ex of the Johnnys and Beasts of Bourbon, and it was a bit of fun, specially to get out midweek. An old friend of Claudia’s who lives locally turned up as arranged. The next couple of Thursdays we plan to go again. Tomorrow night it is Ross Hannaford and the next Thursday Stephen Cummings, both of whom I like a lot.

Peter has been ill and has not started painting for the exhibition yet. I hope he recovers soon and paints up a storm not just because I hope he feels better but because it would be cool to show with him. At this rate I might have to show some little paintings to cover his absence, we shall see. The large paintings look great. I tried taking a shot of Leela (the best of the paintings, finished some time ago) for the invite but the digital image turned out a bit grey and blurred. Some stupid setting on the camera I assume. Claudia reckons we should buy another better camera, I think we should fix the settings on the two camera we already have.

Claudia is buying an iPad.

Work is going to be a struggle to get the Responsible Pet Ownership project completed in time. We are still not in possession of a certification activation code from Apple so I can’t publish to the iPad yet. It is hugely frustrating. There is a lot of basic functionality to test. The webpage is due 31 October. Activities are still being decided on and assets are still to be created. Amongst other things I am not certain whether we should be creating the AIR for iOS app at 1024 x 768 or double that. I best try and find that out now.

Dad’s cleaning up of his house seems to have stalled. When I ask about it he doesn’t want to talk about it.

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