delirious from work
I am still busy at work. I worked Sunday which is unheard of. When I got home I rang a friend and as the conversation went on it became apparent I had no idea which day of the week it was! I was expressing surprise that he hadn’t worked that day and delirious comments like that. I had a ridiculous mental block over how many days it was since Friday when Richard said that I wasn’t at the usual Friday night drinks last week and I said I was wasn’t I? Last Friday I was at the office party at the Fitzroy bowling club, the Friday before that it was that I was at beer o’clock.
I leave on Friday for Perth, I have four nights in which to get Richard the key so that he can feed the cat, I have four days in which to finish the project at work. It might just finish on time as the third of the three objects has been reduced in scope and will basically just be a series of multiple choice questions across five industries.
I will need to see if there is already a static routine for shuffling xmlLists like there is for shuffling arrays.
So all good, but I woke up at 4:30 and I think as a result I might not try to get back to sleep, just get to work at 8. Wish me luck!