I Am Hayley, Hear Me Rawr!

WOoHOO! its only 4 am, but I am finally done with that frickin paper for english.. so 2 papers down, just one more to go! And a couple of finals to study for… and last minute assignments… and dismantling my room… whew. I’m pooped. And I could really use a back rub… or a pat on the back.. or not a whole brigade of people hating me for getting upset with them once and/or telling them the truth. But thats another entry. Anyway.. I have more to write but I guess I am kinda falling asleep at the helm here.. so.. bedtime it is then! Sleep now, write later. Gawd, that philosophy has gotten me into so much trouble.

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🙂 i know exactly how you feel… i’m “writing a paper” right now… in the way that i am just looking at it and thinking “i’m going to be working on you all night” but when i get too tired i never finish i just think… oh, i’ll sleep and it’ll be better if i do it in the morning… i am so stupid

I know how you feel. I need to get back into “writing” as well on my school papers. =P Hope you finish the next one! -Leigha