On Betrayal

So.. I go to my favorites to find that my “friend”, Molly, has updated her diary. Very interestingly it is titled “Proud of Myself”.. and then in the midst of entry i find this: “Hayley’s mom sent me a card with money.  I kind of wish she wouldn’t.  She told me how she was going with Hayley to go apartment hunting in Canada this summer.  That makes me feel sick.  Then I feel sick for feeling sick.  I just want to seclude myself from the situation and forget about it (because it’s really none of my buisness what Hayley and her boyfriend are doing), but then it gets shoved in my face with a $10 bill.  I don’t want to think about it.  It really does make me feel sick (to feel like I’m losing respect for a friend ).  I’m losing desire (to interact with her).”

I don’t really know why my mom sent her money.. so don’t ask. I also don’t know why Molly thought it would be appropriate to bring my buisness up in her diary without even discussing the matter with me at all and not even finding out the facts or anything… but since she seems so inclined, I find nothing wrong with doing the same.. and anyway.. since the comment adversely affects me and because this whole matter is more my buisness than hers or anyone elses.. I think it is relevant and appropriate to discuss the matter in my diary.

The funny thing is.. when I first mentioned moving in with Nathan.. she was all for it and said something to the effect of “I wish I could move in with my boyfriend too but our families wouldn’t allow for it right now” but i guess her position has changed… why? I don’t know.. maybe because I had sex with Nathan.. or maybe her stupid boyfriend (whom by the way, pronounced me to be a “slut” and a “cannuck fucker” a few months before when he learned of my encounter) poisoned her mind into thinking me wrong… who knows what happened.

She must think I’m some huge slut too like her boyfriend does… I guess having sex a few times with one person that you truely love and really want to be in a commited relationship with and marry someday constitutes being a slut.. well maybe I am. Maybe I’m a huge slut for being curious.. being love starved. Well maybe they just do not approve of internet romances (I met nathan on the internet originally and we have met 3 times.. I had sex with him the second time we met in person.. after 8-9 months of constant internet correspondance and telephone call relationship.. sorrowfully I didn’t have the luxury of spending more than 1-2 weeks at a time with him in person.. but I still do not think 8-9 months of internet should be pushed aside as completely unimportant). And maybe they think I am moving in with Nathan for no other reason than to have lots and lots and lots of mindless passionate sex.. hardly the case.. but maybe that is how she and jeff construe it.. who knows what goes on in their heads!

Whatever the case.. I feel Molly’s comments were completely uncalled for, uninformed, really really mean (and if she wasn’t looking to negate the 6-7 years of friendship that we have.. really really dumb)

To be fair.. I didn’t really leave the nicest notes on her diary in response to her entry. There’s a slight chance I may regrett my words later.. but at the moment, I think they were completely… hmm whats the word? well they are definately how I feel right now.. This is what I said:

“That was not nice. You know what Molly… I don’t even know what. You have no right to judge badly of me. That really hurts a lot… but if it makes you feel any better… I have now lost all respect for you. Thank you too for displaying your “concern” publicy without any consult from me… that’s really swell. By the way… just so you know.. you have royally screwed things up between us with that comment.. and so… since I really doubt I will ever feel comfortable conversing with you again. Good luck with your life.. have fun.. thats all i really have to say. Farewell. I hope you are proud of yourself.”

I know its harsh… but really.. I don’t know if I can be friends with a person who thinks such things of me. I don’t think it is friendship to berrate a friend in front of her back with never coming to directly talk to her and expressing your concerns one on one with her.

I can do this now, because I can honestly say… that at the moment.. Molly is not my friend.. and probably never really will be again.. we might find some limbo at some later point in time.. but right now I feel very betrayed and quite hurt. I don’t think I can face her anytime soon.. if ever again.

I might be severely overreacting.. but there is one thing thats for sure.. Molly is not my friend tonight and I am not hers.

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Hey. I can understand how your feelings would be hurt. just remember,humans mess up. screw up,f**k up.its what we do. but we can also be there for each other and love one another beyond all that.Just take some time to calm down and try to talk to her about how she hurt you. Maybe she has a side to the story to express as well.just try to forgive each other, friendship is worth it. immortaltigress

April 19, 2004

Its a diary dear try to remember that.Since all this stuff with your boy first came up did you ever make an effort to call her maybe she felt betryed to. and as for the commet i made jokingly let me Publicly say sorry. There now you can stop bringing it up to get attention. I am now out of this fight with you two. years from now if this continues the way it is your both really going to regret it.

April 19, 2004

Actually I did call Molly once or twice.. but usually she wrote in her diary about how oh so busy she was, so I didn’t want to bother her. I’m pretty sure she never called me either.. if she did I wouldn’t have known because she never left a message. I do feel a little better, and I regrett spouting my anger in such a manner last night.. however, I don’t retract anything I’ve said in this entry

April 19, 2004

but I’m not unreasonable. Molly, if you want to attempt to rebuild, you can come to me.. I am not unwilling to talk. However.. you probably shouldn’t wait for me to come to you.

April 19, 2004

I think Jeff’s sense of humor comes off wrong at times and can honestly say he probably did call you a “slut” in his version of humor! I personally do not see anything wrong with your relationship, for me to have any negative words would be wrong because my sister did the same thing with her current boyfriend (although they don’t live together right now)…

April 19, 2004

I think we are getting older and can take the next step if you feel like it’s the right thing to do. However, I also think that Molly should be allowed to express herself on her own personal diary, which is bound to insult someone sometime, I just don’t think you should throw your friendship away for 1 little comment on 1 little diary. It would be a tragedy. I hope you both can work it all out.