Political Waste and Other Fun Stuff…
Good day to all. Not much going on here. I’m just glad that I’ve gotten through the week. It’s just been one of those weeks. Hehe. Anyway, on Monday we had a test for our piano class, which always consists of two parts; the theory part and the performance part. She never gets through all of us in one day so the test always continues the next class, which was Wed this week. I’m pretty sure I bombed the theory part after missing two days of class and not knowing what the hell she was talking about. But I did well enough on the performance part, not the best, but still pretty well. And I was able to remember to do the stattacco on the first section, which everyone else forgot. And I just realized that if you haven’t studied theory then I’ve probably lost you. Oops…sorry.
Anyway, on Tuesday I was kind of nervous. In my creative writing class they workshopped my chapter from Dimensional Reality: Oz. I knew it was one of my hardest chapters to write…its the one where Joseph is telling about the fall of Oz. So it reads kind of like history, fantasy history, but still history nonetheless. So I had to figure out a way to write it where people wouldn’t get bored reading it. I knew that was one of the hardest parts to write, so that’s why I wanted my fellow writer’s feedback on it. I was very pleasantly surprised though. I even got a bit embarassed, which is near impossible to do. Hehe. Anyway, they liked it alot, really alot. They even compared my work to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, even to the Twilight Zone and Quantom Leap. Hehe. The majority of the critism they had was that they wanted to know more, they wanted more detail in the story. I was just blown away, it was just a major justification for my writing. I was really, really suprised. So, I’m going to do some editing on it and then I’ll start posting the new version of DR: Oz. I hope y’ll are looking forward to it. Hehe.
On Wed I had the performance part of my piano test, which I’ve already talked about. In voice class we started learning the phoenetic alphabet. It helps when you have to sing in French, Italian, or German. My next song is in German and I was a bit worried about how it was going to sound, but I got to practicing it and it actually sounds nicer than I thought. (Sorry, more music theory coming up) And in fundamentals we started working on minor keys. I feel really good about my work there though. I’m really understanding it this time around and its a good feeling to know that I know what I’m talking about there.
Thurs was pretty boring though. I did have this one annoyance though. I’m taking World Religions this semester. And yesterday we had a guest speaker. He was a Jewish teacher I think. And he’s like really old, like our teacher, anyways… So we were there listening to him speaking about the Jewish religion and the like. There’s this girl in my class that’s this major Christian zealot. Like we’re talking Nazi type of fantacism here. It’s just really creepy. She had her bible memorized front to back and can quote this, that, and the other thing. But she’s so insecure in her faith. You can tell by how confrontational she is when anything comes up in class that might challenge what she believes. Its just annoying to hear her talk. At one point though, she starts trying to argue with the speaker about Jesus. I just couldn’t believe it. She’s trying to argue the existance of Jesus as the Messiah with an old Jewish man that comes from a long line of Jews. What did she think she was going to accomplish? Was he suddenly going to throw up his hands and say "You’re right! I see the light!" It was just disgusting to watch and listen to. I thought about getting involved in the conversation, but I knew if I did things would probably get ugly really fast. So I held my tongue. I was a good person, or so I try to remind myself. Hehe.
And then here we are at today, Friday. I’m at work right now, but we’re kind of in one of those slow periods. Which is why I’m able to sit here typing this. There hasn’t been much going on today. Its homecoming right now at the university. I think alot of this is crap. They had the parade today. I was just annoyed that I couldn’t get to the corner store to buy some snacks for work becuase the streets were blocked with the parade and the sorry excuse for cops (university police) were keeping people from getting in the parade path. I just think that instead of having this pointless extravagance for a sport that degrades our society they could have given the money to the students to help them manage the latest tutition increase the state threw at us. The thing that gets me even more is that I know this crap is political. They have to have this extravagance in order to impress alumni and others into giving the university money. The whole thing just sickens me. Needless to say I came to work early just to get away from that crap.
Anyway, the rest of my day should go better…hopefully. After work I’m meeting up with Krillen. We’re going to do some sword practice, go out to eat, and then go out and about. We’ll see what adventure we find. Yeah right. Anyways, I’d best get back to looking busy. Good eve to all.
You know what thanks Baby. I thought that you would’ve seen the parade and atleast looked for me.
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I would of laughed my ass off at that chic who tried arguing with the Jewish old guy. Yeah like seriously did she just want him to throw the book in and become a Christian or something? lol
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its me… i got one of this things…
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