Dimensional Reality: Oz (Chapter 2)

  “As said, the Historians are a peaceful people. But they are also a curious people.  They were intrigued with my desire for adventure and glory and things of that nature.  An idea occured to them.  They wished to catalog as many dimensions as they could.  But they were not prepared to go to any world that was not peaceful, that was violent or aggressive.  So I learned that first day how to move between dimensions at will.  As I left that day, it was with the promise that I would try to recruit others that were like me.  And recruit I did. 

  It was out of these people that we created a new faction to the Historians, the Enforcers.  We were trained in the ways of Historians, in their ways, their technology, everything.  In additon, we trained in the ways of a warrior.  The way of the Historian would be best described first. 

  If a world has not yet reached a peaceful and technically advanced stage in their evolution, the Historians catalog the history of the world from the role of an outside observer.  The world is totally unaware of their presence or of the satallites they leave behind to continue recording the history of the world.  Historians have the ability to catalog everything that came before as well.  To travel the passages of time.  It is these skills that have given them their advanced knowlege.  Now, if a world has reached an advanced stage in their cultural evolution, they go to those worlds as ambassadors.  They trade their knowlege for cataloging the history of that world.  The worlds then trade information and technology back and forth from then on.  Historians have the largest, unbiased, collection of histories of worlds than any other dimension.  That is the role of the Historian. 

  We are part Historian, but we are also part Enforcer.  A Enforcer travels to worlds that are typically too hostile for a Historian to safely go.  We travel to worlds to do the part of Historian, but have the training and equiptment necessary to protect ourselves doing so.  Most worlds that we travel to, we take the role of the outside observer.  Many of these worlds are not ready to be contacted directly by Historians.  But there are worlds that advanced enough to be aware of our presence.  In these instances, we find the area that has the most intelligent, peaceful people living and act as ambassadors, taking the second role.  There is also a third role that Enforcers are known for…”

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