What a weekend…

Good day to all.  What a weekend it has been. Let’s see if I can recap for you before I

head to class.  It started saturday.  I had slept in late and woke to not the greatest sound

in the world.  The sound of my family’s dogs fighting.  We have three dogs.  They’re all

female.  The alpha dog, the oldest, is a german shepard.  The second oldest is a mix of

blue healer and australian shepard.  These are both dogs that spend all they’re time

outdoors.  The last is my mom’s dog (follows her around, that sorta thing).  She’s a

terrier mix. She’s mostly an indoor dog, she goes outside to do her business and roll in the

grass, but stays inside for the most part.  Anyway, she was outside with the big dogs on

saturday.  We’re not sure what prompted the fight, but the alpha dog attacked my mom’s

dog.  My father was able to get them seperated before anything too bad happened.  But

the little one got a bad lassaration (sp?) on her front paw.  So, there goes my sisters with

the little dog in the carrier to the vet.  Luckily, she came back okay, just a minor limp, by

today, it’s healing well.  I spent that time doing things around the house, found out the

dog was okay and went ahead with previous plans I had made.  I went out with Marie

and we hung out for awhile before going to see a play that was required for my theatre

class.  It was okay, but it wasn’t great.  Then we attempted to watch LOTR-FOTR, but it

was getting too late and we only got through the first part of it.  I collapsed into bed when

I got home.  Then, sunday I got up early to go to the confirmation class I signed up for. 

It was alright.  Then I went through a rehersal with my church choir, where I play violin. 

I was in charge of the choir today though, cause the director was out of town.  I think

things went pretty well.  Then after mass we had another rehersal and that went well

too.  Then I got home to find out something was wrong with the alpha dog.  She’s always

been a graceful, quick and sure footed dog, but she was just plodding along yesterday

with her head down and her tail between her legs. Her legs would shake sometimes and

she would drool sometimes.  So, evening comes and off the entire family goes to the vet. 

We spent about three hours in the clinic there.  They weren’t even sure what’s wrong

with her yet either.  So I got home, showered and ate something.  Got a few things

together for school today and just passed out in bed.  So here I am and I need to head to

class now.  It’s been a hell of a weekend and let’s see how things go today.  Good day to



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October 6, 2003

Wow… what a weekend. I hope that you are doing well and that the week has a less crazy pace.

October 6, 2003

RYN: I understand completely about having a hectic weekend. Things have mildly improved. Here’s to a sunny day and feeling even better. 🙂

Eek, well her bad temperment was probably caused by whatever’s wrong with her. As for the spelling of that one word, I think it’s laceration. Could be mistaken. Take care, you, and be well. Sorry about the terseness last night. (Nod’s Lady)

We’re starting a new book!