Typical Day

Good day to all. Excuse my absence. Not just from this site but from being online much at all. School has been taking its toll and I am very tired. But I thought I’d step in since I have a bit of time and post some rambling I wrote in one of my classes.

Rest, peace, time. All these things will come at the end of the day. For now, I sit in class having finished the assignment early. Big suprise. It has been a long week. I’m starting on a hectic schedule again. Start by getting a ride to school in the morning with my sister, three hours before my first class starts. then to classes close enough in time to leave little else than a trip to the restroom and getting to class on time. Then, right after the last class, I have to start walking to work. Which usaully lets out at about 8pm. From there it’s a ride home to shower, eat, and do homework until I pass out. I’m hungry now, but I probably won’t have time for much else than a snack. Time goes on as it always does. The class goes on and on seeming like it will never end. It will eventually but for now it seems to stretch on into eternity. People keep walking in late. It’s quite bothersome. I find it rude to arrive late. I hate arriving late anywhere, I usually feel bad most of my time there after. But these are people that arrive late as a habit. I don’t like these kinds of people, I can see things in their face, feel things in their aura. People that expect the world to cater to them and their schedule. And if it happens not to, they can always plead, cajole, or bribe their way out of it. Silicon bleached blonde, fashionably punk valley girls and steriod, hot air filled jocks. Unfortunate that many can’t just grow out of the high school experience. Tired old jokes and long winded answer filter through the class. Don’t want to be here, but have to anyway. All I really want is to sleep and have something to eat. In any order, it really doesn’t matter all that much. Someone just left, probably to the restroom, but I wouldn’t blame them if they left to get away from the maddening montomy, if only for a few moments. I’m almost glad of the bad jokes so I can pretend to laugh, so that way I don’t scream…


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*hugs you close*

One day, the world is going to slap them in the face. Too bad we probably won’t be there to see it! hehe

Thought i should drop in to say…*hugs*

although I am not a “silicon bleached blonde,” LOL..i am one of those people who are habitually late…very bad when i preach being on time to my staff…well, i am on time for work…its the social events where i am fashionably late and that drives my hubby crazy…funny though because when i throw a party and someone is late, i think that is so rude…hmmm…something to think about…take care.