Take me to zero

“What an amazing turn of events!”

I love the universe. Synchronicities are so powerful. Tuesday was the day, nearly three weeks ago. There were so many signs indicating it was the right time, today was the day.

It did not go, at all, how I had planned. Shocking. I knew he would be hurt. But…I have never personally seen a man devastated before. I don’t ever want to bear witness to it again.

A deep, brutally open and honest conversation was had. It was extraordinarily painful to view myself and my actions from someone else’s perspective.  Not that I thought I was blameless.

Someone once told me that we’re responsible for own happiness. You can’t look to someone else to make you happy. What I have learned is safeguarding your happiness is equally important and is also your own responsibility. But more importantly, I learned that communication really is key.

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April 6, 2021

Yepp. Communication is key.