Time is a bitch

I was writing this morning and when I realized that it had been two years since we met I thought of you.

Time is a bitch… 2 years ago my friend Jeff got married.

August 20, 2005

I remember it being a great day. It was absolutely splendid, I woke up at about 8 AM and went to Sara’s house. We had talked on the phone for weeks but had never met. We ended up making out and having some of the most splendid sex two people could ever have for a first time. Our bodies naturally fit together and our sexual style meshed in a way that usually takes months to get right, if it ever does. She was a friend of the brides, I was a friend of the grooms and we would be seeing each other later that day at the wedding.

I met up with Jeff and the other groomsmen we all had some beer and sat in an upstairs room telling stories. He looked so happy. Jeff was never the quintessential ladies man, he is an honest man who works hard and enjoys life. He had been unlucky in love, but it didn’t matter. Jeff continued to be the great man I had grown up with. When he met Jenni it clicked, they dated, fell in love and it was all paying off on this day.

Jenni looked lovely as did the rest of everyone else. Sara showed up and looked just stunning. We took a picture that day together that to this day is my all time favorite. There is just something spectacular about a wedding. Matching young men and women. The aisle walk, everyone is happy at a wedding; everyone is reveling in the joy of new love.

Jeff’s best man gave a speech that showed truly how special this couple and new union meant to him. I couldn’t have agreed more.

We all drank and laughed, once the grown-ups went home the rest of us went to the bar. I got drunk, as is my custom, and was the loud and obnoxious guy I wanted to be. Sara, bless her heart, was on my hip and I told the world how great of a girl she was.

I will remember her telling some guy off for as long as I live. This older guy asked her why such a nice girl was with an asshole like me, and without missing a beat she told him, “It’s because of the orgasms”

Sara, Ciaran, and I ended up on our own at Shari’s by the end of the night, high as kites and drunk to boot.

That was two years ago. Jeff is now divorced and Sara hates me. Time is truly a bitch.

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August 25, 2007

heh That last line made me snort.

August 25, 2007

good pic though.

August 15, 2008

isnt that how life usually works??? lol. last line got me laughing