Round 3
So, I’m still here and Im quite proud of keeping up with DePhoMo. But, I havent been here since it ended. Shame on me.
So, I started my last semester this week, looks like the professor is going to be a tough one but we shall see. Classes seem simple and easy thus far which is great news. I have to kick ass this semester. So, now Im thinking that I need to move on to Billing and Coding and Business Management next. I need BM to run my own business from home and B&C will just be a little something extra to do. I need to start looking into the classes and see what might be right for me. After this semester the college offers a course on taking the certification test. Its a free non credited class so technically I have one more semester but not really. Im so excited to be done already, its gone by so fast.
I started Weight Watchers again, not finding the motivation I once had. I think I just need to get back into the swing of things. Im very upset with my scale results lately and once upon a time I was doing so wonderfully amazing. Just gotta get back on track.
The kids are driving me nuts lately. Stephen has really hit the terrible twos and Brooke is just a cranky, whiney, bossy, brat to say the least. I know, I have really no one to blame but myself. Im just so over the constant fighting/bickering, whining and so on.
On a positive note, Brooke is old enough for T-Ball this year and sign ups are in the next few weeks. Im really looking forward to getting her into that. Maybe it will help her, she wont be so bored and she can make new friends. I think my sister and I might try to get her and Trenton on the same team. That would make it easier, we would only have to go to 1 practice, 1 game, instead of 2.
Not a whole lot else going on in my life right now. I hope the New Year is being good to you all!!