*****Look I Made Dollz…..***** *EDIT*

Ok so, I admit a few of them are a bit off, but thats only because they are REALLY hard for me to see.

Please save for yourself.








*EDIT*  Well I just spent 20 minutes putting them all on transparent background I thought, apparently not, if by chance someone wants a doll and needs it on a transparent background, just let me know!


Ok, well now that, thats done.  I never shared the bracelet Stephen bought me for my birthday.

As usual, not the best picture.  Anywho, its a heart, horse shoe and birthday cake.

When he gave it to me, it was too big, so he had to take it to get a few links taken out, when he gave it back to me there was a new charm, the horse shoe, he said it was because we went to the rodeo. 


Anthony waltzed in around 11 this morning.

Im Hungry!!!






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