
11:15 pm

It’s been awhile, eh? Lots been going on since my last entry: K & I have made a monumental decision–we are going to try to have another baby next year! Shit, in another 2 months Aaron will be 1 year old! So he’ll be almost 2 years old by the time a 2nd baby is born. I’m ready to have another baby, it seems the thought of it actually aided a little in my "recovery"–I’m gonna discuss it with Trudy on Thurs., but I already am quite sure about her & Dr. T’s reaction. I know what I’m getting into, and how Aaron’s birth affected me, so I’m jumping into this with both eyes open! And my wanting a baby isn’t the same this time, I can actually ENJOY a 2nd pregnancy, and enjoy the 1st few months of the baby’s life–not like Aaron’s first few months. But my son & I are very close right now, I think I have finally grasped the true meaning of "MOTHER".

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