Inner knowing

After yesterday, I felt that I should listen to those little nudges today. This morning’s said clean and organize the shoe rack by the door (seems random, but cleaning neglected bits of the house isn’t a bad idea). Nothing weird and shoe rack related has come up–ha! I did let go of 3 pairs of shoes that had been replaced but not thrown out. So there are fewer shoes by the shoe rack.

A delivery service swapped packages between my neighbor and me. I got a notification that a package had been delivered, opened the door and found it was the neighbor’s. So I brought it in and texted them. I dropped it off on their doorstep and went home wondering what had happened to the one that I was supposed to get. And the same neighbor came over with my package (nice that they ended up with it so it was safe and sound).  I ended up having a nice masked chat with them.

Another friend video called out of the blue earlier this morning. Naturally, it was a friend on EST, so they were 3 hours more functional than me. I was in PJ’s and hadn’t brushed my hair. I felt a little self-conscious about it.

So, I guess today is a social day, and a shoe rack cleaning day.


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February 5, 2021

I wonder if we really need to worry if we look decant when the people start talking to us? isn’t just waring pj’s enough?

February 5, 2021