Advice is good sometimes. I tried to give a friend advice recently about not getting induced if she could help it and let the process happen naturally….since I mean, that’s really a great possibility that if we let the process happen naturally, it saves you from lots of…no fun. Since she knew three people who were induced and had terrible experiences. And I absolutely know people have to make choices for themselves. How I’m refusing induction at all costs. How I’m refusing a scheduled c-section. How I’m actually going to be going with a new doctor in Oregon instead of Idaho….probably.
And speaking of…Oregon
I could have used advice on that, but it’s a decision we have to make and it sounds like we are making the choice to move. And we will get there and I’ll only have like 2.5 months maybe left of being pregnant. And I won’t have childcare for my toddler. And I’ll have a time change so I’ll be teaching at 7AM each day. And Dustin will go to work everyday and have no time off with the baby and me.
Gross. But I think probably something I can get through. Sort of. Some how.
I don’t know.
Advice is hard. And choosing to do stuff is hard.
That’s really all.
Childcare is the only reason my husband and I haven’t moved yet out of Washington state. I totally get that. My mom babysits my son while we both work. A plus side to Oregon is it’s beautiful.
@danimoffitt97 We are originally from Oregon, so I totally agree! My family will be closer, about three hours instead of 10. So the pros outweigh the cons. Just a hard time to do it!
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