
I can’t even begin to describe the mass of mixed feelings that I get these days. I don’t really think I’m so much “coping” with it as much as “not getting a choice.”

I somehow have managed to not fuck things up for myself and get fired yet, which is nice because this is unquestionably over twice as good as the next best job I ever had. It feels like it’s only a matter of time though before I do something unforgivable. I hate mistakes, I wish I never made them. I wish I was part computer.

I am seriously lonely as fuck (though I believe I’m starting to numb up some), and am up to a string of six girls in a row who’ve managed to be unreliable in either calling me or answering their phone. I can come to no other conclusion than it’s me, somehow, someway.

Despite the setbacks, I manage to blunder on, asking for numbers before I really even think about how the last 6 ended.

Speaking of ending, an era came to a close. The last remaining flicker of its fire is officially vanished. I took a trip home, and it killed me inside. I felt dumb for fooling myself into thinking I meant anything to about 3/4 of my friends. The others, they care… but only so much. It’s odd for me, because I’ve never really lost a deep attachment without an active reason. And it really felt like 2 years had let me just fade away to so many people. The girl I’ve been hopelessly deeply attached to (whatever you want to call it, I don’t care anymore) for the past 7 years of my life let me know that she would be breaking her plans to come see me this summer. I was an idiot for getting my hopes up; no one visits. There’s another who’s promised me a day together soon, and I fully expect to just not hear from her about it. This is exactly what I dreaded for so long, years and years, and even though I knew it was coming and thought I was ok with it all, it still stung a lot more, seeing it come into a reality. I’d give an analogy but I think you get the idea.

So this is a slow release. There’s no one and nothing left for me where I came from. I love them so much. It breaks my heart.

Things aren’t exactly strong on the Vegas front either. I’m pretty sure Tina, the girl from here, will never call me again. My roomate Andy woke up in jail arrested for drunk driving a few days after gambling away both our rents. That was over a month ago, and he still owes me like a grand and a half. It’s alright though, I make a killing, and I’ve been working six days a week since May. I wish having money did a better job of making up for not having friends.

I used to dream of escaping with someone, but now, I’m where I want to be. I just don’t have anyone with me.

I think I should probably see a doctor, but I know I’m not going to. I feel sick to my stomach nearly every minute I’m awake.

I don’t know who I am anymore. I think I might be really fucked up, but I don’t know how to tell. I function better than most so it seems like I don’t need help, but the things I do and think can’t be normal. But maybe everyone does and thinks those things, I don’t know, it’s not really something you ask.

I feel like I’m going crazy. Everything I feel is always mixed and two-sided and confusing. I don’t think I can explain what I mean. I just want what I’ve always wanted: peace.

I’m beginning to believe that I won’t find it until I’m not alive to want it. But I hope, I still hope.

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June 29, 2007
June 29, 2007

It’s interesting, no matter how much you expect something undesirable to happen, when it does it still seems to hurt, almost just as much if it came from nowhere. Apparently we’re not good at preparing ourselves for disappointment.

June 30, 2007

Hey thanks for your note. It’s not code so much if you’ve been reading my diary though. Here’s a hint, my exboyfriend (Whistling Boy) cheated on me like a month ago and somehow I’m still in love with him even though I know that sounds crazy. But I don’t suppose you wanted me to break the code…did you? If we never made mistakes, how would we learn? The past that we come from often changeswhen we leave it. There’s a play about it, right, Look Homeward Angel. I might have read it in HS, or just heard a lot about it because Thomas Wolfe was from where I live. Anyway, I know what you mean and it’s hard to come to grips with that. At least you make a killing and finances aren’t something you have to worry about, that’s a pain. The two-sided confusion is awful. That’s about where I am right now. Logically I’m retarded for still wanting that boy but emotionally, it’s only natural, I think. Not only do I fight with myself about it, but everyone around me has an opinion too. Mind if I ask how you make your killing? I don’t know what to do with my life. Good luck with everything. I get through by knowing that it all has to work out, and eventually it will. ~I’ll be

June 30, 2007

Haha, Codespeaking Girl. Nice. And also, thirty five to forty five bucks an hour IS a killing by pretty much anyone’s standards… ~I’ll be

July 1, 2007

That Tina bitch sounds fat.

July 2, 2007

ryn: yes we do. and i am the master of not keeping in touch, so don’t feel bad.

July 9, 2007

RYN: Not a Mac person, or do I just bore you?

July 14, 2007

i too wish having money made up for losing friends. or i wish money and spending 40 hours a week working in the office, and another 15 or so from home would keep me busy enough to stop thinking about what is past.xoxo

July 17, 2007

resilient, hah! that’s why I’m on headful of drugs for blackouts and keep jobs for a handful of weeks and end up living rough twice a year! hardly.

July 18, 2007

I dig that your notes have shown a trend of “upswing.” That and you’re now aiming at luring me with the fun/funny. My favorite. 😉 I’d like to catch up with you some time. If you’ve got a semi-consistent window of opportunity, let a girl know. 🙂

July 18, 2007

ps: oooh. new photo. with the bed head. sweet!

July 20, 2007

heyo. i don think we’ve met before.

July 21, 2007

re: hi there. write me an email. i’ve been dumped since the last time we talked, i need a pick me up. so. pick me up then.

July 28, 2007

i’ve been missing forever i know and i read this and you seem quite sad so you realise someday soon you’ll be getting a random phone call from me. but the point is, i really only have time to point out that you’re ah, you’re lookin quite good in your picture there. *grin*

July 30, 2007

i don’t feel like you’re trying. i’m thirsty.

August 21, 2007

fickle boy. what have you been doing? xx

September 10, 2007

Hey… where are you? It seems to me that the time is about right for an update.