Punch it and fly

So. The follow-up to last entry. It’s long.


So when I went over to her apartment (around 3am), we hung out and talked for a while, I asked her lots of questions like I usually do to girls when I’m trying to figure out if I like them. It’s a good method. There were plenty of girls in college I thought were cute and maybe interesting that got weeded out during the Q & A phase.

She is a different type, and looked damn good out of her fast food outfit. She has great straight, dark hair that’s usually pinned up under her Taco Bell hat. She was wearing a red tanktop with some words on it, and soft black skin-tight thin fleeceish pajama bottoms. I don’t know the names of materials. Her teeth barely bothered me at all, in fact pretty much not at all. Anyway, I say “different” because she had tattoos on her back and a pierced tongue and naval. I quickly mouse-drew a picture of her tats and pasted them onto some other girl’s back so you guys could get an idea. I used paint to draw them, so you have to use your imagination. For example, “DEVIANT” is in fancy tattoo letters, not Times New Roman.

I didn’t really mind her tattoos, which is uncommon, I usually hate most all tattoos, especially large, unsubtle ones. It’s a possibility that her shapely backside softened the blow, but I usually trust myself to see past things like that. Plus, the back is not a terrible place to have one, everything could fit nicely under clothes if necessary. She was courteous enough to ask if I was religious before she pulled up her shirt. The upside-down cross seemed out of place. She didn’t seem to be vehemently anti-religion, and wasn’t all about satan or anything. She seemed to be indifferent and tired of hearing about it, same as me.

Oh, and… “different” also because almost all the music she listens to is metal. Like, hard guitar rifts and fast drums and deep-throat screaming. And… wait… she also listens to it to go to sleep. She finds it soothing. Now, don’t get me wrong, metal certainly isn’t my least favorite genre. While it may not be my go-to choice, on the whole, I really don’t mind it. And I didn’t mind that she liked it, and was really all about it, but I’ll get to why later.

Anyway, the whole time we were talking, well… not the whole time, but intermittently, she would put her hands on my leg, or on my hands (once when telling me a story about an old guy that hit on her in the store), and she sat next to me nearly cheek to cheek when I showed her the pictures from my phone. I asked her about her day off, and she told me how she had to pack all of her friends in on that one day, and that none of them stayed up late enough to hang out with her after work. If you’ll remember, this is in direct contradiction to what she said before about “sitting in her apartment all by herself.” I took these to be signals, but not serious ones, and I wasn’t all that concerned with it.

When explaining her musical tastes, she showed me some DVDs of shows she liked to go to, and she seemed to know when it was comically dramatic, and laughed with me (first even, because I was trying not to laugh, at first), and at one point covered my eyes and said don’t watch he’s too goofy here, and you won’t hear the music because you’ll be laughing. She seemed to like it for what it was, and saw the image that a lot of those bands give off as ridiculous as I did. That’s why I could respect her tastes. Like someone who likes country music but thinks it’s retarded how they’re always wearing those fucking cowboy hats. But I pretty much hate country, whereas much metal isn’t too far away from things I like.

Early on in the conversation, I asked her what time she usually went to bed because I didn’t want to keep her up and overstay. She said “I’ll let you know if I’m getting tired and want you to leave, I’m blunt, I don’t have any problems with that.” So I took her word for it.

Anyway, so I thought things were going well, we had both given each other some decent laughs with random stories from our past or passing comments. We had discussed the finer art of sarcasm, and largely agreed on major points. Like how nice it is to have someone else there to know you’re being sarcastic when the unwitting third party is taking you seriously. It just makes it funnier, and funnier longer.

So the sun had come up by now, and she invited me to see how effective her blackout curtains were in her room (which was pretty effective by the way, but that’s not important). So we’re both sitting on her bed and continuing our conversation and in a few minutes we’re both laying. The conversation gets to a pausing point, and she says to me, “Would you like a back massage?” I say, “I don’t think you could’ve asked me a better question.” So she gives the full-on, straddle-my-backside deal, and is pretty good.

So I figure if anything is a signal, that was. So she’s still sitting up after massaging me and I’m laying down on my back and have her hands in mine, and I give her a gentle tug to pull her down next to me. It’s a smooth, subtle, but obvious move. Instead of it going as planned and being in better position for a moment, I’m met with the resistance of her pulling me up to sitting next to her. Now I wasn’t too discouraged by this, but figured I needed to maybe regroup for assessment and see if I can figure out what went on.

So we continue talking about various things, and move into a position where we’re both laying down facing each other (still on her bed) and she starts talking at a really quiet personal volume, without really any transition. We’re closer than we were before, and I begin to stroke her face (she has a really nice jawline and soft skin) and she didn’t flinch away or complain, or any of those things that girls who aren’t interested in you should really be doing by that point. So I put the tips of my fingers underneath her chin and gently lifted, in another subtle yet blatant move, and again met with resistance. At this point, I pretty much resigned trying, but wasn’t all that pissed off, just confused. We talked for a little longer, one notable exchange being when she looked closely at my eyes and told me I had eyes like Jeffrey Dahmer (a cannibal serial killer, if you don’t know who that is). Of course, my reaction was “What!?!” She said, “No, no, it’s a compliment. He had passionate, intense eyes.” “Yeah,” I said, “but there was this one thing he was into doing… with the killing… and the eating…. you know.” “But he just didn’t understand,” she said, “He did it because he wanted to be with them forever. It was sweet, in a way. And his eyes were so intense.” I said, “I usually paid more attention to the mouth and the digestive tract. But if you meant it as a compliment, thanks, I guess.” I don’t really know what to think of that.

And it got more confusing. She said she was going to go take a shower, since she hadn’t since she got off work, and asked if I was going to hang around. Seizing an opportunity for information, I said “Do you want me to wait around?” She said, “What do you want to do?” which gave me nothing. I was considering leaving anyway and I hate wai

ting, so I asked how long it would take. She promised less than ten minutes, and so I was coerced into staying.

After she got out, she was laying next to me again and told me how her tattoo itched really bad (she just got it two weeks ago) and how she couldn’t reach it to put lotion on it. I sighed and said “Would you like me to?” She didn’t answer, but sat up and took her shirt off (facing away) and handed me the lotion. So I was rubbing lotion all over this girl’s back, and pretty much dumbfounded about what to make of it all. I mean, I suppose that it was functional, but it’s pretty personal too. She has a nice back, though, so I tried to at least enjoy that.

Now here is where I think I might’ve misplayed, but I don’t really regret it. We’ve laid back down, she’s under the covers and I’m not. I straight-up asked her in a matter-of-fact voice, “What do you want?” She answered “What do I want with what? That’s a broad question.” Now I’m seriously irritated. I hate that lame question-dodging bullshit so much. She knew damn well what I was asking about. I considered leaving again, but I figure that maybe I can get an answer out of this. I said “What do you want with me?” which is pretty much about as direct as I can get. I know this routine, and I could’ve told you what she was going to say next. “What do you want with me?” she asked. “We’ll get to that.” I said, “You should answer my question.” “I don’t know, nothing.” she said. “Then what am I doing here?” I asked, again knowing the response and already knowing my reply. “What are you doing here?” she asked, but in an asking sort of way, not a way that I was supposed to infer a meaning by the fact that she said it. I said, “You haven’t asked me to leave.” So then I was where I was trying to get to in order to get an answer. Her answer? “You’re right, I haven’t.” And she smiled.

Seriously, what the fuck?

So then she turned over and said “Are you comfortable?” Speaking from a mental standpoint I said, “No, not particularly.” She said, “Well, then get comfortable.” I said, “How comfortable?” She laughed and said, “Do what you need to do.” and closed her eyes. So I got under the covers and put my around over her. We talked a little more and then went to sleep.

And I wasn’t as pissed off anymore, because I had to admit, having a tiny cute little girl as a body pillow is way better than sleeping alone in my own less comfortable bed. In the morning, I stayed for a little bit while she puts on her makeup, and then headed out to catch my spanish soap opera (I don’t tell her that). She had to work soon anyway. She had mentioned earlier about seeing me on her day off (Thursday) so I asked her if she still wants to. She said yes, and that I should call her. I said that she should call me, because she had more plans to work around and I wasn’t really doing anything. She said ok. She gave me one of those half-hugs goodbye, and I left and had a much-needed cigarette because I had never in my life been more confused about what a girl wanted from me.

What kind of a girl lets me spend the night with her, but won’t let me kiss her?

I spent most of the rest of the day pissed off because I realized why I was thinking that it was a bad idea to begin with. It dug up a lot of the buried starvation-for-affection that I’d had, and really didn’t do much to satisfy it. I wasn’t really all that bummed that nothing happened, I wasn’t really all that into her, as much as I was just pissed off that I lowered my standards and got myself into something for no good reason. It’s been almost three months since anyone even touched me, maybe six since I’ve had sex, and a year and a half since I’ve had a serious relationship, so it made me feel shitty. I got over feeling shitty, but couldn’t get the metaphorical bad taste out of my mouth. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disappointed because I wanted her to put out, I just wasn’t in the mood for bullshit, and especially bullshit that toys with things I’ve done a damn good job ignoring.

I wasn’t surprised at all when she didn’t call, and I haven’t been back in to Taco Bell yet. It’s partly because my flatmates have been gone since Thursday morning and I don’t like eating out alone, and also partly because I don’t want to have to deal with Valentine’s Day awkwardness. I still wouldn’t mind incorporating her as an experimental crew-expansion, because she was pretty funny some of the time, and didn’t seem to care about things, and seemed smart. Those are really the three most important attributes for fitting in with most of my groups.

Ignoring my instinct due to lack of foundation really bit me in the ass. It almost throws a wrench into my unwavering approach of always doing the most logical thing, but I think really the lesson here is that I shouldn’t forget things.

Any insight as to what actually went on is appreciated. Everyone I’ve run it by seems to have a different opinion or is just as confused as me.


Having noticed that I lost a bit of my college-gym physique, I started making use of my complex’s weight room. Despite being strenuous, I find it relaxing, and enjoy coming home and taking a shower afterwards and lazing around. When we got to the apartment, our electricity and gas was still left on. I called the electric company and got a transfer of service, but the gas company was closed on the weekend. I forgot to call them for a while, and then when I remembered to, their number was busy. After a while and not getting any bills in the mail (we still get plenty of mail from the former residents), I considered the possibility that there might be a mistake, and we might be geting free gas. After the two month mark, I thought we were home-free. We have a gas fireplace (as you can see from the pictures), and it was so much fun to say things like “Hey, turn on the free fire.”

I found out the hard way that it couldn’t last forever. Back from working out and needing a shower before I went out for the evening, I fucking froze. I knew what it had to be, and I saw the pilot light was out. Damn. It was fun while it lasted.

Showers this past weekend have been a test of will. I don’t really mind them as much as you’d think I would. I see it more as an epic struggle. I also keep forgetting to call right until I’m about to shower. But it’s time, and I’m calling them today.


Everything I thought I knew about signals and girls is just completly out the window now. Andy was trying to ask my opinion the other day on what something this girl was doing to him meant. And I said, “Well… a week ago I would’ve confidently said that it was an indication of something. Now, I have no fucking clue. Everything I thought I knew has been proven wrong.”

I would definately say the whole Shera incident negatively affected my motivation to actually mess around with girls, or give ones who hit on me a decent response. I just find it’s something that’s tougher and tougher to want, and when I tried to drop my standards and have some fun, it just didn’t turn out golden.

I’m not bitter or closed-off or anything silly like that, I just don’t care that much about companionship and it’s being a whole lot of trouble to get worry-free.

I realized this year that I’ve never had a girlfriend or girl I’m seeing

or even anyone I’m interested in on a Valentines Day. I think I’ve had three major relationships end in January. I swear it’s not on purpose.


I’ve been on a driving-alone kick since I got here. I really like loud music and going fast up the interstate north through the casinos. There’s a great backroad leading into/out of my apartment complex and it’s perfect to put on the right song light up a cig and fucking punch it. Sprawling suburbs on my right, the strip on my left, and I’m fucking flying. It’s worth every penny.

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February 15, 2006

I have a lot of respect for anyone who read that whole thing. I’m too tired to go back and fix the tenses.

February 15, 2006

okay, shera has me confused. i’m going to say she’s not completely interested. i mean, she claims she’s a blunt person and then spends the whole encounter giving mixed signals. so maybe the positive signals she was sending were accidental?

ummm…I am confused here…and YES I read it………UMMM…you guys slept together and NO sex? is that what I am reading????? God….children…lol ok, will shut up…..I think I lack sex lately…so….I see things different..and older too…LOL LIke the new name…I am bored. me(used to be invisible walls) ugh @ life

February 15, 2006

ugh. that’s why i can’t stand being around girls. i am one and i can’t figure us out. maybe she’s just playing hard to get? i guess if i was you, i would just let her make the next move, because that whole trashy teasy i’m gonna take off my shirt but then you can’t kiss me thing is just distasteful, i think. you stuck around a lot longer than i would have in a similar situation.

February 15, 2006

I read this earlier and was left quite perplexed by Shera. And then I had time to think about it. Oh, and I’m calling the disclaimer of not being personally witness to her behavior, so I could be off here due to that. That said, she’s got attention issues. I’m opting for that phrase since “attention whore” is a little rough and from what you related, it’s not coming off like… (cont.)

February 15, 2006

… the full-blown versions I’m more accustomed to. In any case, she’s probably gotten really great at garnering male attention. There are certain defaults a girl will resort to in such instances (touching, tone of voice, proximity, etc.). They tend to work well and quickly. They also tend to have an unintended affect on guys in that they can feel led on to various degrees. (cont.)

February 15, 2006

You may not be able to confirm or deny this, but she probably has more male friends than female friends. She may even have an aversion to females and feel as though they “misunderstand” her. The lack of… kissing/sex is more that she doesn’t feel like she’s “that kind of girl” despite the fact she’s repeatedly giving the impression she is. (cont.)

February 15, 2006

She probably sees herself as really friendly, and that’s it. You may wind up being one of the few guys she can carry on any sort of friendship with for some time in that I don’t get the impression you have a crush on her, per se. But if she really is an attention whore, I don’t see you tolerating that for any length of time, really. (cont.)

February 15, 2006

Anyway, these are broad strokes and so it may come off kind of harsh. I dabbled in a good deal of similar behavior several years ago. I can say she will probably outgrow it. I just couldn’t say when. It takes a moment of clarity and a willingness to grow. I hope that at least helps some. Though I’ve likely created more questions than answers. (cont.)

February 15, 2006

If I have, let me know and I’ll see if I can provide some clarification. And I switched the tenses up in far less text than you didn’t. Heh. I wouldn’t feel bad about it if I were you. 🙂

February 15, 2006

Oh, and the driving alone with the loud music: I’m so on that kick myself lately. I’m loving it.

February 15, 2006

she likes your attention. she’s either drawing this out because she’s not sure how she feels about you yet and she’s testing the waters, or she’s completely sure and thinks she’s being charming. she IS different, from the sounds of her. i wonder what will happen if/when you two are alone again. i had every intention of emailing you back tonight. and then something . . .

February 15, 2006

. . . bad/sad happened. so, i can’t do much but think about that and i wouldn’t be writing with a clear head. and that will never do. but i haven’t forgotten. and i enjoy hearing from you. you’re long winded and too smart for me – i like that. i’ll probably write you tomorrow between classes. it’s become my official email to you time, it seems. until then.

February 15, 2006

ryn: Actually, the title of my entry is my second favorite Jeff Buckley line also. My favorite is… My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder. And for the same reason. He sings it filled with a mixture of pain, desperation and passion. Like minds.

February 17, 2006

Hmmm. Sounds shitty. I guess it all depends on how you look on it. Meeting a new person who does’nt kill you or stalk you is not such a bad thing. The fact that the two of you just kicked it and never talked again afterwards is not automatically a bad thing-or some sort of bad reflection of you. Other than the confusion, it does not seem like you had a bad time. So what if you never talk to her

February 17, 2006

again. If she meant enough for you upon first impression you would have done something more by now-or felt something more. But maybe that is just it-it was just a moment. You don’t always have to look deep into things. She was your kick-it and leave buddy. I’ve had one of those. Never done no harm. Also, I am sort of bothered by your reaction to her whole I dunno response. I guess I could see how

February 17, 2006

that could be annoying. And this is where I stop my tangent.

February 18, 2006

Heh. I love your note.

February 18, 2006

I skim-read it, and I think she was a bit out of line, or, more probably, just nuts. Not, like you say, because she didn’t pull you or anything, but the agressive flirting followed by that coy bullshit is pretty fucking tiring.

February 19, 2006

Okay. Well first, damn. I could have used an e-valentine. Like you, I have never not spent the day alone. Relationships end in December for me. That’s what I get for my lack of dedication to my diary, I suppose. Second, I can’t speak for the girl because I don’t know her and I don’t like heavy metal and I don’t like tattoos or piercings and have none of either. But here is my insight:

February 19, 2006

It’s a possibility she has a boyfriend, possibly long distance, and gets lonely but has this wierd idea of what the ideal is, and the ideal is not to cheat on the “one” or some bs like that, and so she will let you hold her and sleep in her bed, because, although she would never tell the guy about it, she dosn’t have anything too serious to try to justify to herself. She didnt kiss you.

February 19, 2006

And you weren’t inside of her. So no harm done. It’s also possible, that she’s just freaked out by getting attached or something. After all, you are just some guy from Taco Bell. She doesn’t really know that much about you. But then for her to not call..that’s pretty lame on her part. I really hate people that come off as open but aren’t really, because it just complicates things like crazy.

February 19, 2006

Now I am going to take a minute to read the rest of your notes so that I can try to avoid being redundant.

February 19, 2006

Okay. Having done that, the first thing that I have gathered is that you like a good female reader. And the second is that I have a tendency to jump the gun when it comes to drawing conclusions. So I might like to strike my previous suppositions, and just suggest that this girl, like the rest of us, probably has issues. The piercings and tatoo and heavy metal are likely manifestations of that

February 19, 2006

She, just like all of us, wants attention, and it seems in her case that she also wants control over the situation. I’d be interested to know what she would have said if you had told her you wanted to do her when she asked what you wanted. Heh. Relating to people is so strange, I am in no place to generalize or speculate. The next Taco Bell trip may be enlightening. Or frustrating.

February 19, 2006

Anyways, I think her tattoo sounds tacky. And I once dated a guy who listened to heavy metal to fall asleep because it was “calming”…Needless to say it ended poorly. Exceedingly so. I can’t decide whether to write an entry or write you an email…it’s a toss up. I know how to do line breaks in e mails…I won’t feel so stupid if I go that route by the time I’m done…

February 19, 2006

Anyways back to the point at hand…I guess the question is: Are her quirks enough to keep you interested? Because it seems as if all she is offering you is weirdness. Anyways, I am sure that by now this entry is obsolete (and by default, all this noting that I am doing is as well) because you’ve probably been a million miles from the point that you were in when you wrote it.

February 19, 2006

Off of the girl and on to you though, I relate awfully well to your supressed-attention-starved-haven’t-been-touched-in-months status. It’s easy to ignore until something wakes it up again… Perhaps I’ll make an entry now.

February 20, 2006

RYN: oh, I don’t care, I’m not expecting to ever sort out anything with Nic, with regards to me and her I mean. Copious girl-advice on here. It’s always so damn long-winded.

February 20, 2006

Fake, yeah. My favourite part of the night was how much Cate was loving the female attention. Very cute.

February 20, 2006

It’s uncharacteristic for a lesbian to like naked girls?

February 22, 2006

we may be the worst communicators ever. just maybe. xx

I think I agree with the aforementioned theories that she wants attention, and that perhaps she’s playing hard to get. To be frank, I wouldn’t waste very much time or energy on her. If she decides to pursue you, go for it. If she continues on with her mind games, I’d look for someone a little more straightforward. Still, if sheÂ’s worth the effort to you, donÂ’t let my words deter you.

That me, that is Ananta. OD signed me out after I wrote my note.

February 23, 2006

Patience I can manage. xx

February 26, 2006

RYN: You’re lucky to have a high metabolism. If you didn’t, you probably would find the nutritional value in foods at least somewhat informative and maybe even interesting. And regardless of whether or not your fast food fixation shows on your body, you may be surprised to discover that it is possibly wreaking havoc with your heart and/or cholesterol. There. I’m done now. 🙂

February 26, 2006

maybe she wanted you to fvck her and she was waiting for you to make a move. massages always seem to lead to something more exciting.

February 28, 2006

ryn: well naturally. you’re the only favourite i have in Vegas and i need someone to show me around or else the city might eat me. you know, pure young thing that i am. *bats lashes innocently* regarding the colour change. for some reason i picked an extremely virulent blue for my font and then compounded that sin by making the font eeny. it’s been darkened and largenized (technical term)

February 28, 2006

and i suggest you skip the entry before the one you noted. it has lots of caring in it. *grin* also. re: marilyn and audrey. psh please they aren’t even on the same level. marilyn was all sex, and audrey was all class. audrey could have done both, except she had two fried eggs for tits and was so small she would have blown off the grate in that uber hot marilyn picture.

March 1, 2006

You, my friend, lead a very… interesting… life. I kind of miss times like those. Meeting new people… feeling them out. Trying to figure them out. It doesn’t always end the way you had planned, but that’s the fun of it. The excitement of not knowing. That’s one of the downsides of being in a committed relationship. After a while, everything becomes predictable. No more excitement. Oh well.

March 2, 2006

I’ve been stalking your notes and am abruptly feeling like a male diarist who’s shitty or moany or both. “Not thinking about things” has always been the best and most pointless of advice…