a few words for the mass


Here I am.

Blank page and pleny of time for once.

Im happy. I can sincerely say this is one of the times in my life, if not the time, that Ive been most happy. I ve been feeling things I havent felt in so long. And its this feeling I get, its so wonderful I can describe. Its not bliss, but rather just joy.

I never really knew what that word meant until recently.

Still and all.

Im still my self.

And for my own personal reasons I feel stupid.

Not ignorant, just stupid. Yesterday I was walking through the tate center, and I tried to figure out why am I here in georgia? There has be a reason why. I know, there has to be, why Im not home in new york and here in this place.

For all its worth,

Im starting to like it here.

On the upside I am going to get to go home at the end of this month for a few days and this time bring a friend with me. He’s already from new york , but still and all it’ll be nice to roam the streets with a friend from new york who also lives in georgia.


I feel stupid.

I hate having crushes on people. This time I have a most inconvient crush on some one.

They dont even know.

Dont even have a clue.

Why should they even know I exsist?

Im, *sigh*

Why! Do I have to fall in like with ppl. This is so much stress I dont need.

Upside though.

Im getting my old computer back in 2 weeks and a ps2 🙂 so that is good.

but what would really make me most happy right now…

Is to be on my way out to coney island.

and just enjoy the ocean breeze.

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You should let this dude know you have a crush on him by giing him a shoe shine kit as a gift. It will confuse the hell out of him.

October 9, 2002

no matter how old you get the ‘secret crush’ thing is still a killer! *hugs and smooches* -H.