gigles and squiggles

Well. today I feel pretty good… I guess?!?

I dont even know!

Im just tired,.. I want to sleep and once again, if everything goes right I am over booke once again for absoubltly everything. ah well.

So this morning Marcellow comes over to me and says that we should skip out of school.. oo m stomach feel sick right now.


ok its fading.. knot knot.. ok..almost over…egh.

ok. well back to my story

entonces,. he said to meet him here (here being there) after first period,.. so I did

for all its worth I genunily like Marcello.

Its not like he is like the other really,… I mean.. I dont know.

ok ive liked Marcello for about a year now.. and even though the intial wow is over I still like hiim and find m self wanting to spend time with him and getting to know him

well its time for me to go so let me end this with one more thought.

cuandos locos!

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w00t ^_^

Cool entry. Wish I understood the last part :). Oh, and hate to use this as a message board, so you can delete this if you want, but there is a Spanish rock concert tomorrow night at the 40 Watt, and admission is $7. There will be salsa and merengue dancing. It shoud be fun! Interested? Call me if you want to come.
