a senior afterall
i’ve come to a point in my scholastic career where i find myself reflecting on all the years i’ve spent in the lesser world of education.
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Thinking back on everything day in and day out i find that its been an experience that is considered by the majority an incredibly hard and difficult process. Somehow i’ve been able to keep up but i cant explain why. anyone put in my situation would have been lost and confused and held back. why is it that i’ve taken in things that i havent even been taught. i know ive lost many opportunities and there are holes in my intellectual thought yet i do have the ability to surpass almost my entire class.
thinking on this now i realize that i may have been an inconceivably talented student. becoming the head of my class or a district would have been nothing for me. everything would have been at my finger tips.
i know i could have had everything. but why have i been held back? i do believe there is a higher power and for the better things will go a certain why. but how does this benefit me? i’ve been reduced over the years to be a regular student. i’ve been forced to lose track of my standing and lose everything i could have achieved. i feel like i’m graduating with an incomplete head.
this is what dwells in my mind for the majority of my days (well there’s sherman too). i want so hard to get over it and move on but it always comes back. i could have had and known so much more and i dont understand why i’ve been shrunk down to being mediocre. i figure this is why lately i dont feel so well about anything. since i’m almost graduating i guess i’m thinking about it more and more. i mean college is right around the corner and my options have honestly become evermore limited with each and every passing year- every move every middle school, high school, and elementary school.
i know one thing is for sure. i’m happy when i’m around sherman. i feel like i’m not missing so much. like everything will be ok. i really hope everything goes fine. i suppose i can say that he is my last hope.
I will always be here to remind you baby that it is not mediocre what it is that you are doing…but admirable to see someone who has gone through so much trouble fight back with such invigorating attitude and strenght. At times i wish i would have been as strong as you, but for now i’m more than content knowing i can make you smile. I love you baby.
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