This one is for you, [Gaslight]

Just in case anyone was wondering what would happen if I ever ran out of ideas for a new entry, the answer is outright theft. 😀 I saw this while channel surfing and though I am normally not a fan of this show, I thought of you the first time I saw it. You get ten points if you can guess why correctly on the first try:

P.S. For those of you who don’t know what a purity ring is, it is a ring that you wear to show everyone who sees your wearing it how pure you are and how you don’t approve of anything naught or filthy, like blow jobs in the parking lot of T.G.I. Friday’s or spraying little girls in the face with your white foam.

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April 19, 2009

what?! Blow jobs make one impure? not fair

April 19, 2009

ryn, here’s the thing: our merchandise is marked up 100%, so when we mark items down to 50%, we break even, and to wrap the clearance items would actually cost us money on supplies. for this reason, in the past, we did not wrap sale items at all– now, our customers have the option of either sticking with the old policy and getting no wrapping, or opting to pay a small fee for the supplies. I won’t deny that the crappy economy helped to move this decision along, but I certainly don’t agree that it’s tacky or unreasonable. especially for the upper-middle-class demographic that makes up our customer base, i.e. the people who keep cranking out (planned) babies during this recession in the first place because they can afford it.

April 20, 2009

Facials? Oh no. if facials are filthy im in big trouble.

April 20, 2009

Oh God! Actually, that kind of reminded me of one of my managers back at Disney. . .

April 20, 2009

Also, I don’t approve of anything naughty or filthy. Love, Sister

May 13, 2009

RYN: I love goddamn sandwiches, though. . .they taste better than Jesus wafers n’ cheese, anyway. (But I really, REALLY like the idea of fighting off infernal cheese. You know that would be fun.)

July 14, 2009

I am pure of heart, mind and soul 🙂

July 30, 2009

RYN: Well, you know, I said in that entry that I don’t think all cops are assholes–that’s part of why it shocked me so much, is because most of the cops I’ve talked to are varying degrees of polite. But this one was the epitome of the douchebag trooper you always hear about. In any case, I’m over it now. . .he was just on a power trip, and my ego is far too bloated to take anything like that

July 30, 2009

seriously for very long–please, you should know that by now! 😉 (PS–Sounds like you’ve had to talk to cops more than a couple of times, my young friend! What did yooou do?)

July 30, 2009

seriously for very long–please, you should know that by now! 😉 (PS–Sounds like you’ve had to talk to cops more than a couple of times, my young friend! What did yooou do?)

July 30, 2009

seriously for very long–please, you should know that by now! 😉 (PS–Sounds like you’ve had to talk to cops more than a couple of times, my young friend! What did yooou do?)

July 30, 2009

^I like to call those “bonus notes.” You’ll read ’em and you’ll like ’em.

September 7, 2009

RYN: Yes. In Fat Mermaid World, jellyfish have faces. They are cousins to the jellyfish in the water world in Super Mario.

January 23, 2010

HDS! How’s it going, you little whippersnapper?