The Secret Meaning of ATM

First I’d like to address all the people who have been repeatedly telling me that ATM isn’t an acronym because the abbreviation isn’t pronounced like a word, but is only sounded out by its letters. Blow me. Okay, now that my rock-solid air-tight argument about why I am right about THAT is done, let me explain ATM. First of all, only three people got it right as far as I am concerned.

The first winner is [All Your Basements]. To explain his technobabble, ATM is short for "Asyncronous Transfer Mode." It is a connection-oriented cell relay network technology used in PSTN to allow voice lines to be multiplexed, so multiple conversations can be carried more efficiently over the same PSTN lines than would be possible if only analog signals were used in traditional dedicated circuit switching.

Another meaning of ATM requires that you confirm a few assertions for me, so I don’t get booted off OD.

 I am over the Age of Consent for my state or province, or I’m just lying so I can see what ATM is all about. 

 I am under the Age of Consent for my state or province or I am too much of a wuss to see your naughty text. 

The first time I was introduced to ATM was an episode of The Rectal Rooter. I don’t think I should have to describe further what kind of Genre this series is, or what it involves. Anyway, so this d00d got this chick to fuck him to fix some busted pipe in her house or whatever, but of course, pussy fucking isn’t enough for Mr. Rooter. So after the initial screaming and bitching about having a cock in her ass (she complained it was a sin of all things, like fucking around her husband isn’t), the chick who was sitting on this guy’s dick suddenly turned around and PUTS IT IN HER MOUTH!!! HOLY SHIT!!! First of all, how the hell did she go from being this Catholic-schoolgirl prude to sucking cock out of her ass? And secondly, DAMN!

Anyway, to make a long story short, this practice in porno of having a chick suck on a d00d’s dick after she’s had it in her ass (or some other bitch’s ass, it doesn’t matter), is called Ass To Mouth, or for short, ATM. I think [Kitty Guillotined], and [Pilgrim] (not surprisingly), got that one right.

My main issue is that the first ATM is the one I am studying in one of my classes. But everytime I see ATM in our book or lecture, that isn’t the one I am thinking about…

Anyway, I was going to post some pictures of the concept here, but I would probably get my ass kicked for that one. So instead, if you are having problems understanding, I am more than willing to give you a live demonstration. E-mail me so we can set something up.

Oh yeah, and for the rest of you who think it has something to do with some bullshit about a cash machine or whatever, what the hell are you talking about??? I mean really, what planet do you live on?

Peace out,

-His Divine Shadow

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March 17, 2006

I’m an ATM virgin, I feel as though I’ve been deprived, I haven’t lived my life fully..and now I’ve realized it, thank you oh mighty master HDS *bows* I kid 🙂

March 18, 2006

Oh, that made me laugh. Hmmm, what’s a squinkie?! Anyway, I think all inferior animals wish to be us, it is only a matter of time… Donna –

March 18, 2006

Love the link for the underagers.

March 18, 2006

Hello darling… yeah so I finally stopped drinking the special koolaid that came all the way from England in the form of Lianne’s dose of personal ass licking. I had to do rehab.. it was quite tragic… now I know how it feels to be you.. her lacky’s are coming to my page and calling me fat and all this stupid stuff… if you get time I encourage you to check it out.. I think I made you proud

March 18, 2006

Oh by the way.. sorry I am Mychemicalromance198… yeah I pissed all of them off because Lianne wanted to change her name so people would leave her alone and the only one she liked was Madeinthe80’s… so I took it! Yeah petty but god was she pissed!

March 18, 2006

Ryn: I agree! They have even spammed my email inbox with stupid stuff and are like I am not going to sign my name to this because I dont want to be involved but Lianne is awesome.. I was like you realise you do not have to sign your name I have your name and email address you stupid twat! I agree as well I think it is just how she wants her life to be. Sad really.

March 18, 2006

ryn: The funny thing about Princess-peach-pie or Princess peach puss as we call her is.. she blocked me from her diary and was like I am over this I will never be back however she comes back to my diary more than a cupcake. I am used to it. She thinks that she is upsetting me but she is just saying the same pathetic stuff over and over again. She really has some issues!

March 18, 2006

Bummer, I didn’t get it. *giggles* *trots off to play with myself* Oh yeah…

March 18, 2006

Squinkie squinkie squinkie. I like that word I think. And yessss it was a ball! Tut tut! Donna –

March 18, 2006

OMG that is so gross 😛 Mel

March 19, 2006

Evil dave is big on ATM

March 19, 2006

You know thats funny, cause I toss salad on a regular basis.

Hahah. I love it.

March 19, 2006

Gawd, why are you single??

March 20, 2006

Hey…I got the answer right also! LOL

March 20, 2006

I’m not totally sure about my planet. But I really really hate it. So, maybe you’ll have me on yours?

March 20, 2006

RYN: People just love to hate me I guess 🙂 Not quite sure why, but it’s been that way since I started writing here.

March 21, 2006

RYN: I guess that it really all depends on the day! But in most cases….probably more fiesty.

March 21, 2006

i’m yet to be anyone’s ATM machine. we need to catch up sometime. its been too long

March 21, 2006

So last night was the first night my roommate was back since this whole debate on what “ATM” means. I ask him while we’re packing the kitchen last night… He stumbles over his first answer, “Automatic…tell…teller machine.” When I say, “No, that is incorrect.” He replies, “Oh, it’s Ass to Mouth.” Is this a universal guy thing? I guess that makes me a good girl. Not knowing and…

March 21, 2006

…not partaking in something so vial.

March 22, 2006

RYN: Thanks! After trying and then ultimately stopping reading my notes from The Douchebag Posse I could certainly use that drink! 🙂 Ass to mouth would have been in my top 3 choices….mostly.

March 22, 2006

ryn: May I ask why you say that?

Hehehehehe. I guess I’d be one of those morons. I’m, sadly, not up to date on my porno terminology.

March 24, 2006

Yeah, I have no clue what you’re talkin about 😛 I’m must be retarded *puts on her helmet*

March 25, 2006

RYN: And why don’t I want to know? LOL

I know someone who does that on a regular basis.

Oh, the disney link made me laugh, thanks for that. I needed a laugh right now.

What!?!? You STILL didn’t update?? Get on it. I want to see that mommy diary entry! Then I will give you LOTS of hate notes!! (FAKE hate notes)ha ha. Thanks for the notes Mantrid. I Like you too! (Can I call you mantrid, cause thats what I’m used to… at least it ain’t MANNY!) *snicker*

March 27, 2006

RYN: I thought that you were on my faves…my bad! You can share naughty with me! LOL

March 27, 2006

RYN: Well quit that! Girls don’t like guys trying to beef them up. Especially if she already thinks she fat

RYN: No ofcourse it wasn’t about you! I wouldn’t call you retarded. You’re my ODforum bodyguard!!!! I mean, best friend…

OMFC, I am going to leave you a note every day until I see a hate mommy diary entry. Kidding. Just passing through, getting more touched up on ‘his divine histpry’ or whatever you called it. 😀

*pulls down pants and bends over* Do it. I DARE ya.

March 28, 2006

RYN: Well that IM wasn’t from some random person! LOL It is from someone from my past…….and I guess present. A good “Friend” I suppose you could say! LOL

Where is YOUR e-mail? *grins* R.

Well, I DID bend over in front of you. I even pulled down my pants. So here I am standing half nekkid waiting for me ass to be kicked! Would this help?: Mommy diary entry.

March 29, 2006

RYN: That’s my fault. I was reading through old entries last night and I noticed some of the pics were messed up so I edited them and that entry just happened to be the one that showed up as the most recent

As long as it doesnt involve ATM I’m cool with it. Or butt sex. Actually, stay away from putting things in my butt alltogether.

March 29, 2006

RYN: I seriously doubt any of my unsigned noters are doctors

March 30, 2006

Are you dead? :p

March 30, 2006

RYN: Sounds like I have pics of the dry spell ending, huh? lol

RYN: Hello! Yes you probably have! My name is Annie-Rae

RYN: A child of one of my faves has it and I like to support my favorites so I posted it! Annie-Rae

RYN: And thank you 🙂 Annie-Rae

March 30, 2006

Will you update dammit? lol