His Divine Response to the Cartoon Controversy


I normally don’t get political in this diary, but this whole issue rates so high on my Bullshit-o-Meter that I couldn’t sit still. Having said that, I don’t think I could have come up with a better response to the whole idea of millions of Muslims protesting against cartoons, when, in the Muslim world, it is commonplace to deny that the Holocaust happened, to demand Jihad against western nations, to behead journalists on television, to command the deaths of people excercising free speech rights, to murder women who are raped for "adultery", and to slaughter innocent people who are guilty of the "crime" of not being Muslim, giving all those people involved the proverbial finger. So in short, if you are "Muslim" and have a problem with cartoons that depict your prophet, do me a favour and kindly shut the hell up. I am the last person who cares what you think about the matter, and I have zero motivation to be tolerant with intolerant people.

I will join the Muslims of the world in protest over these cartoons as soon as they stop their racist wars against the rest of humanity in Chechnya, Indonesia, Kashmir, Israel, and every other place where they think they have the right to slander other faiths and countries and stomp on people who aren’t like them, but feel that they are somehow supposed to be free from the persecution they dish out onto others. And before some asshole calls me a dick for saying that not all Muslims are like this, I’d like to ask you a few questions:

1). Why did terrorists committed to genocide win elections in Palestine if the people there are supposedly the non-agressive "victims" in the conflict? It wasn’t exactly a close election either. And this wasn’t a coup or takeover, so nobody can say that this was the act of a radical minority – THE ELECTION WAS WON BY A MAJORITY VOTE.

2). Why are the Iranians not protesting the racist comments made by their president instead of parading ballistic missiles through the streets of their country with slogans declaring death to Israel and the United States?

3). Why do Jews and Christians suffer from slander from the Islamic community on a regular basis and don’t wave around signs like these?









More importantly, why will we never see deadly Catholic riots in response to The Da Vinci Code?

I think it is also worth mentioning that the idea that non-believers should follow the taboos of a particular faith that they don’t even belong to is absolutely absurd. Hell, why don’t we consider banning the sale and consumption of pork because it violates Jewish law too? There is a difference between asking for respect for someone’s faith and asking for submission and acquiesence to it. This ridiculous idea that such depictions of the prophet should be banned is an excellent example of the latter. Not everybody has to conform to your dam philosophy, eat shit already.

Finally, the proclamations that Hadith forbids the depiction of the Prophet for fear that it leads to idolatry IS idolatry. If you are a Muslim, the Qur’an is the ONLY source of GOD’s word and law, and to say that the words and deeds of the Prophet are equalto or supplement the word of GOD is the gravest of sins (Qur’an 6:114-116). And now that I am on the subject of the Qur’an, doesn’t this book also say that compulsion in religion is forbidden, thus proving the point I made earlier? How does it feel to get 0wned on your own turf, assholes?

-His Divine Shadow

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Heh, I’ve been waiting for this one.

March 3, 2006


March 3, 2006

Right on.

March 3, 2006

It must also be a sin for Muslims to have opendiaries, because… wait, no, it’s not a sin, they just wouldn’t have anything to write that wouldn’t automatically lead to the federal government arresting them for ties to terrorism.

March 3, 2006

Like everyone already said… I agree!

March 3, 2006

Yeah, boooyyyyy!

March 3, 2006

i missed you! and i couldn’t have said it better myself.

March 3, 2006

AMEN BROTHER!!!!! I agree wholeheartedly. Goddamn hypocrites.

March 3, 2006

Ok, you are going to think that I live under a rock but.. Is that the cartoon they have been flipping out about? I don’t watch tv at all, numbs my brain. I stay away from the papers too, I have heard about it from people here and there.. but really they are throwing up those signs because of a cartoon? Saying such things because of a CARTOON? You have got to be kidding me? I’d ask what kind of

March 3, 2006

hobbies these people are into but I think you kinda covered that already, lol. Man, this is the most I have seen/heard of this subject and now I’m even more glad I don’t watch tv. The whole thing makes me sick.

March 3, 2006

Muslims scare the bejeebus out of me. Just about everything their religion consists of pisses me off, but this cartoon nonsense is taking absurdity to a whole new level.

*sighs* I’ve spent too much energy getting pissed about this already – only I (and a lot of people) have to keep our mouths shut. Goddamn hypocrites. Mind, the way people treat atheism isn’t much different (though that’s not a religion and not to the same scale.) This just convinces me more and more that the Muhammed guy was just another psycho war-driven moron. Divine inspiration indeed.

HDS HATES MINORITIES! (It’s true, it’s true. Let’s have a note war!)

March 3, 2006

*note wars with Casey Leigh*

huzzah! huzzah!

March 4, 2006

RYN: That’s because I delete them after I reply to them.

March 5, 2006


March 5, 2006

So apparently….even though I thought you’d been blocked so you can’t read HER journal….she still reads yours: I hope you don’t turn into one of those HDS following assholes honey. He’s poison, and he gave Linz a hard time too remember? Lianne Marie xXx [GivesHead] [p] I just thought that was interesting.

March 6, 2006

I can’t even read that book it upsets me so much. Our copy looks beaten up not because we read it so much, but because when we try it ends up hitting walls at high speed. Of course, so did Ayn Rand.

March 6, 2006

RYN: Actually, I was talking about the Koran…which is how I feel like spelling it today.

I find Stellar Girl’s note very interesting–seems GivesHead is a bit stuck on you. Har.;) Also: I can’t believe no one has left hate notes. This entry is a TOTAL FAILURE, Chris. Write about how you support, like. . .mandatory abortions.

I added you to my AIM way back when, but I never get on there. I’m a yahoo girl. I thought you died or somethin, dude! Glad to see you’re still around.

RYN: Yeah, especially Palestinian babies. You’ll throw rocks at them. “How do YOOOOU like it, bitches?”

You are generalizing, and pretty much contradicted yourself. A proper Muslim follows the Quran, and yes there is NO compulsion in religion. So wouldn’t it be fair to say that the Muslims who went absolutely beserk aren’t reading the Holy Book properly, thus rendering them hypocritical Muslims? You are painting all Muslims with the same brush. Not all Muslims ignore the Quran. Also..

(c) it appears as though you don’t know jack about the Prophet or Islam. Following the ways of the Prophet is not ‘idolatry’. If you did know a little, you’d know that the Quran commands Muslims to follow the things he has said. So no idolatry here 😀 Stick to dissing other diarists, at least you sound credible then.

March 10, 2006

Exactly how I mentioned that to my lebanese boyfriend.

March 12, 2006

haha. I agree too and I love that top picture.

Hear hear! The cartoon on this entry’s funny, but the pictures of the people holding the signs are chilling. *shiver*

Wow. So agree with this. And in France it’s even worst.. R.