Win Yourself a Website Contest!

I am happy to announce His Divine Shadow’s WIN YOURSELF A WEBSITE contest. This would be good news normally, except for one problem – THE CONTEST IS ALREADY OVER. For some reason known only to the Gods, I forgot to mention the contest when it started. OOPS! However, don’t let that discourage you from entering the contest in futility by leaving me a note requesting to have your own website – just don’t be surprised if it turns out to be a total waste of time for you.

Just to go through how the contest worked, I’m working on a website for a practical for my next semester and plan on getting an A+. So I’ve decided to do the unthinkable and give one lucky diarist their own content hosted on this said website. And since I am building it, it will probably end up being the Best Website Ever. In order to qualify for a chance to win, you had to fulfill two conditions:

1). You must have an OpenDiary.
2). It can’t suck.

Anyway, that’s about it. Feel free to enter yourself by leaving a note, but keep in mind that I HAVE ALREADY SELECTED A WINNER. Peace out.

-His Divine Shadow

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um can i be it

January 2, 2006

Crap my diary sucks I am screwed 🙁

Too bad I only meet one of the conditions.

January 2, 2006

Hmmm, well, I can’t say that my diary doesn’t suck, although it surely doesn’t suck as bad as some of the people you’ve featured on your ratings in the past! 😛 I don’t think I could handle having an entire website dedicated to me, but could I perhaps write a weekly column for it?

January 2, 2006

I know I’m good enough but I think Casey will take the cake. She seems cool even though I don’t read her. I just read the notes she leaves others on my fav’s and she cracks me up, yo! Ow Ow Your gonna nominate yourself, aren’t you? *points and laughs* *takes a hit from my onie* *gigglefits*

Nina is, obviously, a wise woman. I deserve EVERY award that ANYONE gives out. Duh. I mean, except for those sarcastic ones where people are all like, “ohhh, you win the stooooopid award” and think they’re being clever but they’re really just being dull.

January 2, 2006

it was casey right? casey deserves it.

RYN: Liar!! You’ll read that entry and you’ll love it, just like everyone else.

January 4, 2006

It’s no secret that I think you’re a horses asshole, but out of courtesy I would just like to state that that Mushrum is no friend of mine and I have not influenced him in any way. He found you on his own, and ignored my request to get over it and leave you alone. I will even apologise for the attack he made on you even tho, in his own illiterate way, he was entirely correct.

January 4, 2006

Don’t mind me, I’m just doing my part to help boost your all important note count. Because a few million Hitler fans can’t be wrong!

January 4, 2006

Here’s another note.

January 4, 2006

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you know, would be the best place to go for kiddie porn is all I’m saying.

January 4, 2006

I’ve got my own website designers. I’m a rich nigga. I got lawyers and shit.

January 4, 2006

Here we go. 5 notes should be plenty to help you get started on the road to success, young fellow.