His Divine P0rn0graphy review (w/pics) *edit*

This diary entry has been deleted by the OD Staff for violation of the Open Diary Rules.


Don’t go weeping too much after this entry – it never got deleted. It has always looked like this. I don’t know which part was funnier, the idea of you coming to a entry expecting hot pr0n and finding a gag deletion message instead, or the fact that I don’t really give a shit about whether or not YOU thought it was funny at all. I love me.

-His Divine Shadow

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free the HDS One!

I lol-ed!

December 26, 2005

LOL! Ok, I don’t know what you did to get this deleted, but it CAN’T be worse than Joe Steel’s DAILY entries… he posts porn all day every day! WTF?

December 26, 2005

Dammit! I missed the pr0n. 🙁

December 26, 2005

i missed teh porn too. so quickly it was shut down.

December 26, 2005

*blink* *blink* Cause I’m high…*gigglefits*

December 26, 2005

Damn… missed it

Faker. =D RYN: Heh, thanks. Why Schiavo?

December 28, 2005

Damn this sucks!!

Ahhh man! Got here too late!


December 30, 2005

Some ass Reported you. Sucks.

January 1, 2006

haha nice

January 1, 2006

not that you care….but that was funny!

January 1, 2006

this was actually rather humorous.

What a weirdo you are. Seriously who does that? I read a few of your entries out of curiosity and was apalled by the one about liannemary who is my first favourite. Small world!! I started reading her cos 5 of her entries are on readers choice and I can see why. i think your pathetic and dont know why you bother having this diary. Abuse me too for all i care, i dont know if im sticking around yet

January 2, 2006

RYN: dork.

I dont pretend to be the smartest person in the world, my dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of. i am learning poetry to try and improve my literacy. I was amazed by your attack on Lianne. Shes not disgusting. Did you ever speak to her? Do you know how much she’s been though and how kind and loving she is? And how much people on OD love her? Look at her entries and how many notes she gets.

In 53 entries you havent even cleared 2000 notes and she has nearly 6000. That many people cant be wrong. Yore diary is bitter and spiteful. She is positive and brings joy to probably 70 different favourtes. Yore attack on her was pathetic. I dont know who the madbell person was because his diary was deleted. I hope youre next

Its not a joke. she is on of the most intelligent and thoughtful people i have ever come across. I feel very sorry for you if you can’t appreciate a beautiful, funny woman with a gud atittute for life. What do you think youre diary is compared to her’s? I spoke to here on msn and she blew me away, i’ve not laughd as much in all my life and she was really nice to me about my poetry ambitons

Ill not you whatever I want to note you. I dont care if Lianne gets mad becos I have nothing to do with thi. Just like you noted her after a note she left on madbells diary and abused her even through she had never spoken to you befor. You are pathetic and bitter. She has achieved a lot and is happy. That dosnt make her arragant. She comes from a good family which is important to british people.

you mistake her upper class upbringing for arraganse. And her diary is just that, a diary. She has fun with it. do you now what fun it? fun is having a silly diary name even though she is classy and not promiscuous. fun is making friends and en joying life. you are pathetic

January 2, 2006

RYN: Thanks darling I am glad you are not taking anything back because you meant it enough for you to say it. Let me ask you said unless it gets better you will not be back.. well give me some tips to make it better! P.S. This entry is CLASSIC! Everyone fell for it!

January 2, 2006

RYN: You are right I just didnt know if you wanted to give tips. It works for me.. hey if you dont frequent mine I can still frequent yours

January 4, 2006

“She comes from a good family which is important to british people.”

January 4, 2006

“She comes from a good family which is important to british people.”

January 4, 2006

“She comes from a good family which is important to british people.”

January 4, 2006

“She comes from a good family which is not important to african people.”