His Deleted Shadow

I just noticed that all the entries I have written before January 4th 2004 no longer exist in my diary. Looks like the entire set got deleted.

Now, this doesn’t affect me much, since I write all my entries offsite and backup my diary regularly (without overwriting previous backups), but I am sure it will be a hassle for you, the fans. Especially since His Divine Diary Rating system was among the entries deleted.

So for your convenience, I will be posting that entry here. I might post some of the other lost entries as soon as possible. And by that, I mean when I have time, which will probably be never.

-His Deleted Shadow

His Divine Shadow’s Rating System – 1/3/2004

From now on, I will join the ranks of those with too much time on their hands and no creative skill and rate the diaries of others. I should warn you that being rated by me is not a good thing. The rating system is as follows:

A = Asshole" you are a total jerk who is lacking in people skills. Most likely your only friends are the ones you found online who can still stand you, but secretly wish you would choke on a toothpick. If you were fed alive to wild jackals, that would be way less than you deserve, prick.
"B = Bitch" Same as asshole, but you have nothing that resembles testicles whatsoever, or the female equivalent. Chances are you note from a diary that no one else can access because you set it to private, you gutless wuss. One day, all those you piss off will find you, gut your body, and string it up in front of your porch.
"C = Cocksucker" You suck ass and can barely think for yourself. you complain constantly and spout bullshit you heard mostly from other people instead of thinking for yourself. Do humanity and favor and don’t reproduce, the world needs less idealistic obsequious sychophants.
"D = Dipshit" You are just an idiot. You probably have an OpenDiary Plus too. Chances are you will be dead before 30 because you don’t understand why just because you car CAN go 120 mph doesn’t mean it should in a residential area.
"F = Fucking Jackass" All of the above and more. The best contribution you could ever make to mankind would be to videotape yourself being devoured alive by fireants, and then make sure that tape gets posted online somewhere. I would honestly pay to see it."

Tomorrow, I will actually carry on and RATE some choice diaries. Peace.

-His Critical Shadow

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December 14, 2005

I’m a “S” for Spazalicious! =)

December 14, 2005

Sorry for offending you.. just wondering. It just surprised me, the whole situation. And I wrote about it because it supprised me, obviously…I never knew people made a whole diary for that kind of thing. Whatever.. sorry. Chow. ~SB~

December 14, 2005

LoL..! Sorry ’bout the deletion.. but I realized how childish I was being.. good luck with life.. peace. “love” ~SB~

December 17, 2005


LOL. Love the rating system. 🙂

December 21, 2005

I <3 your notes to me. 🙂

RYN: Actually, I didn’t steal that baby penguin to keep as a pet. . . Would you like a penguin kabob, by the way?

My diary is a “C”. Most definitely.

I want to read you…but I’m afraid shit like THIS is gonna happen to me. ‘Tis a conundrum.