A handy guide on when NOT to IM me.

Ever since I started posting my more popular entries, I’ve been getting several unsolicited IMs like the following:

ODdumbass: hi
HisDivineShadow245:: Haro!
HisDivineShadow245:: Who, and/or what are you?
ODdumbass:: I am ur personal stalker
HisDivineShadow245:: Oh great, another one.
ODdumbass:: indeed
HisDivineShadow245:: Oh well, my [Block] button is due for a new workout anyway
ODdumbass:: no
ODdumbass:: im here to ask u something
ODdumbass:: lol
HisDivineShadow245:: yes
ODdumbass:: nevermind
ODdumbass:: i dont wanna ask anymore
HisDivineShadow245:: Great.
ODdumbass:: i got ur name from Open Diary
ODdumbass:: if ur wondering
HisDivineShadow245:: I know.
ODdumbass:: how do u know?
HisDivineShadow245:: Because it is the only place I have my name available to total strangers
HisDivineShadow245:: And even that was a colossal mistake, I’ve now realized
ODdumbass:: yes
ODdumbass:: lol
ODdumbass:: it was
HisDivineShadow245:: So if you aren’t going to tell me who you are, I am just going to go
HisDivineShadow245:: Goodnight.
ODdumbass was blocked at 6:30:27 PM.

Moron. I don’t know why, but recently, several people have been getting the idea that just because my IM name appears in my diary that it’s an open invitation to IM me on AOL. Well, let me take the opportunity to clear up the confusion for the idiots: IT’S NOT.

Seriously, if I don’t know who you are and you insist on wasting my time with idiotic banter like this, I going to block you, or post our "conversation" in an entry (like this one) to mock you out of spite. This is the exact reason why I had to delist my IM name and e-mail from my front page. By the way, here’s a quick tip for the retards: don’t IM HisDivineShadow245 and hope to get a response; that isn’t my actual username.

I hate to do this, but you assholes leave me no choice. So from now on ALL IM CONVERSATIONS WITH ME ARE INVITE ONLY. Read that one again just to make sure it sinks through. Think of my IM as a favourites-only diary. If you want the privilege of chatting with my awesome self, you are going to have to earn it. Send me a note requesting a dialogue and I will decide whether or not you are worthy of my time. (People with whom I regularly chat don’t have to go through this application process.) I usually keep my chat line open for/during important business, so I’d rather not be intercepting messages from some jackass who wants to IM because she’s "just bored and feels like chatting." I don’t do small talk, kids. Any dipshit who doesn’t follow this rule is going to get ignored, period. I have enough to deal with in my life without having to entertain bored teenagers all day. If I wanted to do that, I’d become a fucking school teacher.

Oh, and before I forget, I am also going to start blocking people who bore me too much, and that includes some people who already IM me. If you suddenly start to notice that I stop showing up online for a long time, that is probably why. If you want to be relisted, feel free to note me. I look forward to ignoring you. As for all you aspiring chatters, if you aren’t sure whether or not a conversation with you will end up boring me, chances are that it will. Play it safe and don’t IM me.

-His Divine Shadow

Log in to write a note
December 8, 2005

You could also take your IM name off your diary, my little attention whore… 😛

December 8, 2005

The assholes win if you do that!

December 8, 2005

This is precisely why I never use AIM anymore. If I’m online, chances are that I’m actually DOING something, and don’t want to be bothered by some dumbass I hardly know IMing me simply because they’re online and bored. Most of the people on my buddy list are idiots, anyway.

December 8, 2005

i’d like to request a conversation with you

December 8, 2005

awww … poor HDS getting stalked.

December 8, 2005

rock on HDS, stake the stalkers!

I’ve made it a rule never to speak to anyone who uses “u” in AIM chats. I don’t ask much.

December 9, 2005

I like this entry a lot. Angry ranting – Fucking have it :o)

I knew I liked you – you’re just so sweet.

December 9, 2005


December 9, 2005

the power! i’m still in the hospital until at least tomorrow – *shakes fist* – i’ve been here TOO LONG. help!

December 9, 2005

I never use AIDS anymore, either.

December 9, 2005

Scientific level meaning scientific level of debate. yes, some of them are the opposite of each other,but that’s why none of them are scientific law … and Popper can go suck your dick.

December 9, 2005

LMAO! I love ya, Chris! Hey, I’m not getting boring, am I?? hehe..about the night of your oh so intellectual IM, I got booted, again, and couldn’t get back online!! I’m sorry! Please forgive me..or my computer I should say..Pls forgive my computer..hehe. xoxo

Did atti just say my boyfriend can go suck your dick? ‘Cause I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing. . .

RYN: Yeah, that’s who I was talking about, too. Seriously. I am dating Karl Popper’s corpse now.

December 10, 2005


Send all your stalkers to me. I have nothing better to do.

December 11, 2005

hah. I always wanted to IM you, but i figured you were always getting bombarded by To many OD people as is. This entry just proved my theory.

RYN: Not zombies, corpses. What do you think I am, some sort of pre-vert?

December 13, 2005

Wow.. I just can’t see why you’re so popular.. I mean.. sure you say you’re great.. but I can do that too..lol. No offence, but maybe I just have no idea about you. oh well. Rock on oh great one! ~SB~

December 16, 2005

Ive been getting alot of IM’s from people that i dont even know either.. Pain it is.. Random noter..

April 12, 2006

So now that your dead and then alive again do these rules still stick? Cuzz I’d like to know. Lol