Man I am so pissed right now, I just threw a rock at an old lady walking by my apartment. Right now I am trying to do an Activity Based Costing assignment, which by the way is harder than Michael Jackson at a preschool, and this prick MaDBaLL won’t leave me alone.

Banged147Chicks: GO GO GO GO

Powers above, shit like this makes me envy coma patients. But it isn’t MaD’s fault really. I know this guy and I know that all the STDs floating in his brain have made him irretrievably insane. If anyone is to blame, it is some asshole called Geoffrey Beattie. This jackass MaD won’t shup up about this Beattie character. So that is why I resolve to punch this Beattie guy in the cock if I ever meet him. So if your name is Geoffrey Beattie, or even sounds like it, be warned. Thrice-dammit I am pissed. I have a life now. I work two jobs, take six classes, belong to an honor society, AND all this workload doesn’t include my ruling the Light Universe, and on top of all this, I still have people on IM and e-mail trying to jump on my dick like a trampoline. Dam, don’t you bitches realize I don’t have time to let you suck the cock? Why won’t you OD people get off my nuts?

Oh yeah, and I just wanted to mention that if you are a Serenity fan, watch out. Last guy who told me how "awesome" this movie got a mouth full of shoe, and I plan on continuing this trend. Nobody cares about your "guerilla marketing", you fanboy ‘tards.

-His Divine Shadow

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October 6, 2005


October 7, 2005

I’m sorry for getting your dick confused with a trampoline.

October 7, 2005

You should go see that movie “Serenity” – have you seen it or are you just talking out of your ass? It WAS a good movie and you can kiss MY ass biznitch! =) You have a life? Who would have thunk it? =P I ain’t IMing no one since I ain’t got no puter at home. Too bad for you, eh?

hey fancy meeting you here. I’m not fanboy, but it was a pretty good movie. You threw a rock at an old lady? Tell me she really wasn’t super old, juts like in her 60’s. j/k

Noooo, don’t hurt Mad and Beattie, they are my secret OD sex slaves! Their cocks are too valuable to me!

October 7, 2005

RYN: I haven’t heard from you in so long I had to leave a note like that so you’d be compelled to respond. *mission accomplished* I’m going to be in the burbank area 11/8 thru the 13th – how far is that from you?

October 8, 2005

wow..this sounds dangerously close to my writing… MaDBaLL

October 17, 2005


October 28, 2005

You’d be far more likely to wrap your lips around my cock than punch it. After Mad is finished, of course.

November 13, 2005

ok, so this entry has left me with two theories: either you ARE MaDbAll or whatever his name is, or you’re a good mate of his and as such are equally retarded. When I rule the world, you will be rounded up and shot.

December 9, 2005

You still have made no effort to punch my cock, and quite frankly, that was my Kwanzaa wish. Thanks, asshole.