Self-righteous vegetarians are the worst.

Just when you thought it was safe to log in to OD again, His Divine Shadow has returned. If you were just thinking "man, I shure hope His Divine Shadow is lying dead in a ditch somewhere," chances are this entry will make you lose all hope for the future.

Truth is, I was planning on taking a well-deserved vacation until I was pointed to a bullshit entry written by a diarist I will refer to from this point on as [Moron in Chief], one of the most arrogant morons on OpenDiary and a prime contender for "Moron of the Year." I was so pissed after reading this entry, I punched a vegan out of spite, and I did it with a leather glove too, just to make sure I got my point across.

Nothing pisses me off more than granola eating, flip-flop wearing, recycling, protesting, Nader praising, self-righteous elitist hippy assholes who think they are the shit just cos they don’t eat roasted animal flesh. I’ve already expressed my distaste for these morons in a previous entry but this entry made by [Moron in Chief] has inspired me to do the unthinkable – stage a protest. Fortunately, this one won’t consist of annoying other people with bullshit chanting and picket signs. Instead, I will be doing what I should have done a long time ago, throw a barbeque.

That’s right assholes. As of right now, I am inviting all my friends to a steak dinner at the Los Altos Grill, and I plan on hitting every animal that crosses the street on the way there too, just to prove that I mean business. You would be wise to do the same. This is my call out to the normal people of the world to hit these arrogant bastards where it counts. If they are going to piss me off with their ridiculous rantings, the animals are going to be the ones who pay. After all, what the fuck are they going to do about it – not eat MORE animals? They’d have to eat negative animals just to step to my awesome plan. If anything, the only thing they can do is eat more vegetables, which is great because it means more animals will be [hunted, combine ground, or displaced] to make room for crops that these sorry son of a bitches will need to feed their egos.

So this is my gift to you, [Moron in Chief]. If you think Meat is Murder, tell that to the twelve dead cows that might have been spared had you not written such a ridiculous entry.


More Sites:
Vegetable Liberation Front – Because Plants are People Too.
Beyond Vegetarianism – A Website That Seriously Discusses Alternative Diets, unlike [Moron in Chief]

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June 7, 2005

I am glad you decided to write another entry*claps*The entry was enthralling as always.Rhan

Although I usually enjoy Mr. Popples, a.k.a. MIC, I just can’t agree with his views on vegetarianism. Sure, I think it sucks that they have to be so barbaric with animals, but I just love meat too much to quit.

This has inspired me to throw a barbeque, and IÂ’m inviting every redneck NASCAR loving asshole to attend. And no vegetables because salad is murder. So make that 24 dead cowsÂ… and 5 roasted dead hogs because those gristle-sucking hillbillies inhale that pork like itÂ’s air!

June 7, 2005

I enjoy thinking about the beautiful, wittle animals…. right next to the mashed potatoes….

June 7, 2005

I mentioned this to him on his OD, but I’ll post it here too: The meat industry slaughters less animals every year than the farming industry. You DO know what happens when they go to harvest the field, right? It ain’t pretty for poor Thumper.

June 7, 2005

There is room for all of God’s creatures…right next to my baked potato.

June 8, 2005

Dammit now I’m hungry. Mmmm…medium rare steak…sauteed mushrooms… a little A-1. Yum Yum!

June 8, 2005

The guy who inspired you for this entry amuses me! I fart in his general direction…*MWahahahaha* *YAY* Your back! =)

I am officially addicted to his diary. He’s unintentionally hilarious.

I hate you for posting that link. I hated you before, but at least now I have a concrete reason. I think he and Scarlett O’Whore should get married and do a reality show. I might even watch it.

The link to his diary.


I don’t feel bad about eating meat. Seriously, me an’ some cows and chickens had a heart-to-heart the other night and they were all, “Naw, it’s cool, yo. We’d probably eat us too, if we knew how to use a grill.” And then I made shishkebabs. So they understand. No one needs to be offended on the animals’ behalf anymore.

^ lol Talk about a match made in hell!

June 8, 2005

Casey…what do the fish say?

Duh, Pilz. I can’t understand what they’re saying when their mouths are full of water!

If I ask nicely, will you please please please stop bombarding me with ridiculous pictures of your naked virgin skinny Jewish ass? Please? *shudder*

June 10, 2005

that was fuhnnny!

June 12, 2005

I heard this comedian saying once, against vegetarians…”you think eating animals is murderous? cows can move…plants can’t run away…!” It was somewhat amusing…

June 13, 2005

twat a good response. chicken and I are much better lovers when I eat them.

I’m a vegetarian and I don’t wear flip-flops… -grins- Very good entry, although instead of hitting the animals with your car, why don’t you just chase down these people that irritate you so? The satisfaction would be worth the nice legal problems. Bye.