His Divine Shadow’s Most Wanted

This entry is optimized for Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. I didn’t do compatibility testing with other browsers cos I don’t really care. I had to host this offsite since JavaScript coding is not allowed in entries, which I guess really makes sense. I am sure the Diary Master would agree with me when I say that potentially malicious JavaScript code should not be allowed in entries, but potentially malicious JavaScript in a diary title page is okay.

The Babes of OpenDiary

The babes entry is finally up. I know it is a piece of shit compared to the last one, but that’s mostly cos a good deal of the top-shelf babes bailed or went bitch on me for no apparent reason. Most of the chicks who did send me pics also sent shitty quality pics, which I posted anyway purely out of spite. However, I like the design of this entry better than the last one. I am surprised I didn’t have this idea before. I rule.

Oh and to all the people who would argue that any/all of the women on this list are ugly, that I am racist for not including minorites, or that I am a misogynist for doing this entry at all…



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Fuck you. Nobody cares, asshole.

-His Divine Shadow

Disclaimer: I have solid permission from each participant to use their image in this entry. If anyone wishes to contest that, good luck – I saved all notes and conversations on the issue. Conversely, no one else, other than the respective owners of these images, has permission to use any of these images for any public reason. Take them and use them without it, and you will be reported, your diary defaced, and your family tortured and enslaved, among other things.


Apparently, someone DOES have a problem with this entry this time around:

This is ridiculous. My pity on the women sad enough to send you a pic.


     Apparently, this diarist, who will heretofore be knowns as [BigMouthedHeffer] seems to think that my patheticness is surpassed only by that of the chicks who agreed to be a subject of this entry. Coming from someone who has nothing better to do than prattle on about her ugly kids and bitch about her self-image issues, I somehow doubt that [BigMouthedHeffer]’s criticism will weigh very heavily on my mind. It almost makes me want to default to that high-school argument that the only real reason [BigMouthedHeffer] is pissed at all is cos she’s jealous that no one really thinks much of her, but I will leave any further insults to the babes who she so blatantly insulted with this note. Oh, and MaD, if you are reading this, this dumb hag was also stupid enough to post pictures of her kids. Feel free to use at your lesiure.

-His Divine Shadow

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I would have participated in this, but I’m always afraid someone will take my headshot and put it on some naked woman’s body somewhere =/

January 26, 2005

RYN: I know it makes no sense. I don’t understand either.

January 26, 2005

Yes, I hang my head in shame that I missed the deadline. 🙂

January 26, 2005

ryn: its a very good thing you posted today, mister 😉

January 26, 2005

I would have participated if I had been invited to, as I thought that was one of the conditions. ~

Wheren’t there a whole lot more the last time around. I would have submitted myself, but in the time frame between your announcement of the “contest” and the deadline, I was either sick/busy/forgot about it/not feeling hot enough to take sexy pix of myself. Oh well.

Confound it all, why can’t I see the hotness?? Is my browser retarded, or is the site down?

January 26, 2005

Daaaamn. Static is HOTTT.

January 26, 2005

RyN: What do you mean, a kid she never had? You’re telling em she never actually had the kid? Was that part of the experiment, too? I’m confused….and retarded. 🙁

January 26, 2005

This was awesome.

January 26, 2005

That entry was DEFINITELY missing me, lol, jk. Good job on the design…awesome!

We are a fine-ass group of women, if I do say so myself. I’m such a pouty ninja. I should smile more.

Heifer… sorry… country girl… -Vær

January 27, 2005

You brought down OD!!!

January 27, 2005

This entry rocks!!

January 27, 2005

I like it like that

January 27, 2005

check out my note to josmama

January 27, 2005

You tried preloading the images using 1x1px images at bottom, would have been better if you had put them at top, and used the following CSS: display:none; that way it wouldnt have appeared on the page, or you could have used a good old JavaScript image preloader. Lataz!

January 27, 2005

*giggles* I was one of those girls who gave you a “sh*tty picture”. You know I’m computer stupid! But I know that you still love me!! 😎 PS – I’m hotter in person…and wetter! *gigglefits* *pets myself*

January 27, 2005

RYN: I had that other picture with a cowboy hat but there was another person in it – I don’t have a computer anymore so I have to rely on the one at work and the pictures I get from e-mail. You know I’m hot!! You should see me naked! Ow Ow!!!

January 27, 2005

lol you crack me up

January 27, 2005

RYN: I don’t even know what Jainism is all about – now I must read up on this religion of India…as for me naked, catch me in the shower and you will see what I’m all about! *OW OW*

January 29, 2005

How come I am not there?

January 31, 2005

Dude- I totally bailed because I was just over trying to be as smart as you. it was fun while it lasted though.

Damn, Fluxie is a hottie! Also, Static Ninja, you wouldn’t happen to be bisexual and living in the Texas area, huh? I think we could be grrreat friends. :p Job well done, Senor Divine Shadow. Next time, I want in.

January 20, 2006

Sweet! 😀