Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Sucks (*edit*)

Do any of you know who Bayard Rustin is? If not, you are part of the problem.
Long story short, Rustin was a Quaker who became very involved in the Civil
Rights movement in the 60’s.

Rustin was imprisoned because he refused to
serve in World War II, due to his pacifistic beliefs, and was sentence to work
in a chain-gang. Ironically, he worked very hard to abolish chain gangs, and
succeeded! He also was instrumental in the desegregation of buses, which also
earned him jail time. Even more incredible, Rustin was the one who introduced
the young Martin Luther King to the idea of Gandhian non-violent resistance. Dr.
King was not always this way. Before 1956, Dr. King had guns in his house and
armed guards posted at his door. He was 25 at the time and Rustin already had an
impressive resume of Civil Right’s work that had begun in 1937.

was often described by mutual friends of he and Dr. King’s as a “bigger brother”
figure to the novice Black Rights leader. He advised Dr. King on most of his
issues as well as activities, and was probably the most important organizer for
the 1963 March on Washington that culminated with Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream”

But if this is all true, why don’t you know who he is? He was a
big-time communist, which makes him an asshole. But this isn’t the reason you
have never heard of him. Despite being one of the biggest organizers of the
Civil Rights Movement, Rustin was openly homosexual, and that was a good enough
reason to put him in the closet of history. And right before the March on
Washington, when then Senator Strom Thurmond and Representative Adam
Clayton Powell threatened to accuse Dr. King of having a homosexual affair with
Rustin, Martin Luther King officially and publicly severed ties with the
man who helped him out through just about every major action he did. So much for
“content of character.” I guess that wasn’t supposed to apply to gays.

In conclusion, Martin Luther King sucks because he is a homophobe.
Instead of standing by gays the way he did with Blacks, he took the coward’s way
out by accepting Rustin’s resignation after the march and speech [Rustin later went on to plan the March on Washington, but was also denied recognition for this event by the NAACP’s leader Roy Wilkins for pretty much the same reason. Looks like MLK isn’t the only one who sucks]. I guess that
makes him selfish too. He was concerned more for his own image than for justice,
and proves it when he chooses to aid his own “kind” and ignore the plight of
another minority group to which he did not belong.


The barometer of where one is on human rights questions
is no longer the black community, it’s the gay community. Because it is the
community which is most easily mistreated.

– Bayard Rustin (1910 –

-His Divine Shadow

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January 17, 2005

interesting reading…I did not know this….thanks for sharing 😉

I’m trying to imagine how my feminazi professor of my “America’s Diverse Cultural Heritage” class would react if I mentioned this tidbit in class…she went on this big hoopla last week about the holiday (since it caused us to miss class today [darn])…she would probably label me blasphemous or something.

January 17, 2005

wow. *blinks* you learn something new everyday.

January 17, 2005

babes entry!

January 17, 2005

While Rustin’s contributions were certainly significant and do deserve mention, to conclude King a homophobe is ridiculous.

January 17, 2005

Your like my human dictonary – or are you just f*cking with me??? Geez, I’m a little paranoid – I blame it on the weed. Ow Ow

Dr. King was also a womanizer and cheated on his wife.

January 17, 2005

Let also not forget he was also became a rabid socialist and was ALWAYS unfaithful to his wife.

Very interesting indeed. You taught me that is much to history than what it seems and what you wrote is true. Most of entries I agree with due to your passion of truth and understanding. Yes, I am a black male and I must say that I respect you for expressions. Many people fear things that they don’t understand. Why can’t all races live in unity and along with each other? Someday, I hope.

If I may, My email is OnyxGentleman@aol.com Please feel free to email me about such writings my friend.

ryn: the reason I changed my location is because I probably got it from your diary. Like I said it was familiar to me (and I’ve been to your diary before I created one) and that’s why I did the search. Even if you don’t have a problem with it I want to make sure I come up with my own location. Well, if a place often spoke of by Ronald Reagan could be considered my own. Nice entry, by the way

January 18, 2005

I can’t say I agree. With this logic, you could probably discount all historical figures. Gandhi liked to fuck little girls – should we toss him out of the history books? 🙂

January 18, 2005

We honor Dr. King not for the man he was, but for what he was able to inspire others to do. How convenient that you’ll come to the defense of Rustin only because it’ll let you call Dr. King an asshole. Who’s the REAL asshole here? —

January 18, 2005

RYN: I read the facts you presented and it doesn’t really support your conclusion that Martin Luther King “sucks.” Nor does it support he’s a homophobe. I suspect most people would have done the exact same thing if put in his situation. They would be stupid not to. Basically, the whole entry just strikes me as a convenient reason for you to attack King.

ryn: Ha! Thank you. I extend the same to you, as many people around here are either diplomatic and/or stupid. By the way, I’ve sent you a few emails before (DrDemocracy@netscape.net). I don’t know if you remember, but I was that badass guy. Peace out.

January 18, 2005

Sorry, but I hate communists. I grew up with them, I know what kind of people they are, and I think they should all be institutionalized.

January 18, 2005

In 1963, Rustin organized the march on Washington in which Dr. King gave his “I have a dream” speech. Thurmond went after Rustin on the floor of the Senate, calling him a “homosexual, a draft-dodger, and a member of the Communist Party.” And yet, the Civil Rights movement (and Dr. King) stood behind him. —

January 18, 2005

King removed Rustin from his staff in 1960. NOT in ’63 (as you have asserted), nor was it just before the march on Washington. —

January 18, 2005

Incidentally, I take it back. You’re not an asshole. You’re just a hypocrite who likes to act tough behind an anonymous pseudonym in a fruitless effort to help his rock-bottom self esteem. —

January 18, 2005

Name calling obviously makes you feel right, as you labeled both Rustin AND King “assholes.” If that is the case, then how can King be an asshole if he is denouncing an asshole? Because you can dish it out but not take it, you are an asshole. And I suspect that your sudden switch to moral high ground is because my note regarding your self esteem struck a nerve. I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry.

January 18, 2005

Parliment – whatcha talkn’ crap fo’? Geez, people need to relax and not read certain diaries if they don’t like ’em. For example, I think Scarlett O’Whore sucks, so I don’t read her. I remember reading this last year… I love ya Chris! *mwah*

January 18, 2005

Wow, guess I’m part of the problem. But really, thanks for this entry. I learned something new today and I appreciate it!

January 18, 2005

RYN: Essentially, I don’t think the fact that King didn’t leap to the defense of Rustin is a big deal and you do. Fair enough.

January 18, 2005

Damaammmnn, b.

January 18, 2005

In the words of Hiei,Hn.Some of you people just jump the gun and don’t take into acount the feelings of other people.Why don’t you just let him execute his right of free speech and get off of his case(Mainly directed at parliament and A.J)It is not very polite. Rhan

January 18, 2005

To the above noter, he can say whatever he wants, I was just disagreeing. I don’t think he cares, really.

January 18, 2005

Let us not forget that Dr. King also killed his wife Nicole and her tennis instructor, but was released because he had an all black jury when everyone knew he was guilty.

January 18, 2005

I love it when you enlighten us 🙂 Muah!

I love it when you get the masses all riled up. *growl* BABES ENTRY!

January 19, 2005

RYN:Excellent, i never win prizes, i’m tittering with glee. Meanwhile has it ever occured to you that if 298,373 other people have asked then perhaps the glaringly obvious similarities between his and your writing/opinions/sense of humour/intolerance of the anything sentient that isn’t you warrant the question of if your him/*slightly* influenced by him. Dumbass no298374

Jesus Christ. Leave one political comment on someone’s diary and all hell breaks loose. I’m new to OD, but I take it you have learned to be careful who you note? Damn, I sure have.

ryn: Haha, yea good call. What I hate most about political debate with these clowns is that if you dare mock something or a make a joke about it, you’re an arrogant close-minded prick. Although in all honesty, I probably am 😉 Right now I’m calling it quits (that is, no longer will I respond to these imbecils) and just posting my ideas from now on. We’ll see if it lasts. Peace.

January 20, 2005

ryn: what ammedments? look at the constitutions of Ohio, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Michigan, North Dakota, Arkansas, Montana, Utah and Oklahoma. They all passed amendments. why don’t you take a look at your own fantasyland.

January 20, 2005

The next time you’re having a bad day, picture this: You’re a male siamese twin. Your brother is gay. You’re not. He has a date tonight. You only have one a**hole.

January 20, 2005

wow, i don’t know who this parliament fellow is… but he’s boring. or she, whatever…. neat entry. don’t have much to say about it.

Wow aren’t you the popular one? -laughs while staring at the mass of notes- I’ve never heard of a ‘Dr. King was an @sshole’ angle on him before. O.o Quite interesting. -raises a brow-

Parliament’s the one kicking ass and taking names. You’re just making a fool of yourself. Thanks for a look in the mind of a imbecile. LMAO!

January 23, 2005

History is difficult, isn’t it?

Both were influential, and I think both are needed.

January 24, 2005

babes! 😉

January 24, 2005

Wahoo! hate notes!

I bet I had more fun though. Were you even masturbating then?

January 25, 2005

You racist. You just hate blacks.

January 25, 2005

Does your note mean you think Im hot? (you can just say yes) lol

February 19, 2005

Yeah, and Thomas Jefferson had slaves Wrote the freaking Dec. of Independ. & included some stuff on freeing the slaves, (in his original draft) but it was not the time or place to wrestle with that, and it was cut out. 🙁 ALso, the public was in no mood to grant equal rights to gays in the 60s, I mean, look at San Francisco fiasco this past year with the gay marriages. They still aren’t. 🙁