Stolen Entry (not a survey)

I am too lazy to bother posting one of my own entries. So I am stealing one from [Static Ninja] instead. It sounds like something I would write about anyway, except with less profanity. And centered.

Two wrongs are making a right 1/11/2005

The childishness of our country has reached a new level of stupidity.

I give you…the FOXblocker (

For just $8.95 (plus shipping and handling), it does what your TV already has the ability to do!

By screwing it on to the back of your TV set, it filters out the Fox News Channel so that you will never again be subjected to the horror (HORROR!) that is biased journalism.

Yes, this is asinine. But I prefer to think of it in the grander scheme of things…i.e. whoever buys this product is one more fool being parted from their money. That makes me sleep better at night.

For those of you who want to block Fox but don’t already own a FOXblocker, listen closely to what I’m going to tell you:

Step 1. Pick up your remote. If you can’t find your remote, spend 15 minutes searching, give up, curse loudly, and then walk over to the tv.

Step 2. Press the Menu button.

Step 3. Scroll through the options to find ‘Block Channel’ or something similar.

Step 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to block the channel.

Step 5. Open beer, sit back, relax, and curse when you realize the remote was on top of the tv the entire time.


The irony of this whole thing is that people who don’t watch Fox to begin with are buying a product…so that they can not watch Fox.

I can empathize with people who are angry that they have to pay their cable provider for a channel they dislike or are diametrically opposed to. Lord knows, I’m frustrated enough that I pay $50 a month for 35 channels I don’t watch. I’d be thrilled to just receive Comedy Central, SpikeTV, The Weather Channel, Cartoon Network, and SciFi. Unfortuantely, I also have to pay for the crapfest that is Lifetime, MTV, BET, and CNN, to name a few.

To myself and everyone else, I have this to say: Boo hoo hoo. Life sucks. Cable companies make you buy a package; it’s how they make money. Talk to your cable provider if you have an issue. Don’t try to get the network itself shut down!

My favorite line on the site was one calling for the FCC to shut down Fox because it distorted the truth. Shouldn’t that mean CBS has to go too? Memogate was certainly a distortion (forgery) of the truth.

In other, more happy news…the Congressional Civility Caucus has just been formed ( It’s a pleasant idea, but not too many people are getting their hopes up on this one.

Civility or not, my new Xbox just arrived. This is officially the end of my social life.

Note-fuck this note whore

I would also like to mention at this point that I would love to bone [Static Ninja]. Fast and furious. I’d tape it too, and invite a female friend of her choice to join the party too. You will all understand why when the babes entry goes up. She’s the only Fox in this news. No matter what I’m doing, if she called me for a booty call, I’d drop it, drop my pants, and go for it. Don’t try to fool me into thinking you wouldn’t too.

-His Divine Shadow

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January 11, 2005

I Don’t think i would do her

January 11, 2005

i would, most def. but only if a) she were single, which she isn’t, or b) her boyfriend was a dickhead, which i don’t think he is (but i dunno). all the world being my poundcake for consumption, i’d do her till the sky caved in on me. i wouldn’t drive cross-country though. the girls in your state must suck bad… mine also do… but in the good way 😉

January 11, 2005

well… you’re right. and when you’re right, you’re right.

January 12, 2005

~going to check on Static Ninja~ (grin)

January 12, 2005

she is smokin i love me some ninja

January 12, 2005

I’m jealous! 😉


January 13, 2005

RYN’s: Better late then never…nice title by the way 🙂 and garters are the best….gotta love ’em 🙂

Ryn: Keep on making those reservations!!!! BTW, I’m gonna try to go back to FindingOut, just for you! Happy?!?!?!?!!!! LOL…

Ryn: Done. See?

my drunken entry is still there…

I love it how people think they are so damn smart when they talk about Fox News’ bias. Bill O’Reilly is a big vagina, and Larry King fellates midgets; all media has their share of idiots and/or bias. It’s nothing new.

January 16, 2005

RYN: “Why thank you!” (wipes drool from your chin with napkin….and walks away)

ryn: That actually makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of a location, and Nailed to the sky came to mind, but it sounded familiar, so I did a search to see if it was taken and it was not. Taking your location was not intentional, and I’ll change it immediately. I enjoyed some of your political entries, and I hope there are no hard feelings.

January 16, 2005

RYN: well it was stolen from outside my house, and i hardly think he has the initiative to fake the burgalry.