A Linkless News Entry

Most of the stories here are printed in full because the stories vanished the
next day and the same link takes a body to the new updated page that does NOT
have yesterday’s news in it. For this reason, some links are real and some are
fake. But don’t think of this as a mistake – think of it as one more way for me
to ambush you.

Spielberg Donates $1.5
Million to Tsunami Victims
director Steven Spielberg is donating $1.5 million to the post-tsunami relief
effort, and hopes his actions will encourage other wealthy celebrities to do the
The Raiders Of The Lost Ark filmmaker’s cash pledge will be split
between charities Care, Save The Children and Oxfam. Generous Spielberg
usually keeps his charity donations a secret, but wanted this contribution to be
announced in a bid to persuade others to donate, his publicist says.

The news comes two days after Speed actress
Sandra Bullock revealed she’s giving $1 million to help the humanitarian crisis
in south-east Asia.

I’m sure that is exactly why Spielberg is
publicizing his latest charitable donation. I am sure the fact that the tsunami
is already big news and that he and other celebrities are trying to capitalize
on this disaster to trump up their own image has nothing to do with it.

Another excellent example of this crap is the fact that Christina Aguilera, Sheryl
Crow and country star Tim McGraw are performing for a charity telethon to
raise money for the disaster. Only problem is, all of these stars have more
money than GOD, so why the fuck do they
need to RAISE money if they are really sincere about helping out? Maybe because
then they won’t get to promote themselves as decent human beings, as if that is
any excuse to buy their shitty music.

Oliver Stone Blames Anti-Gay
Sentiment for ‘Alexander’ Flop
Only days
after accepting part of the blame for the box office failure of
in the U.S., director Oliver Stone has attributed the
disastrous performance to ‘raging fundamentalism in morality’ in America.
Speaking at the London premiere of the movie Wednesday night, Stone said, ‘From
day one audiences didn’t show up. They didn’t even read the reviews in the South
because the media was using the words: ‘Alex is Gay.’ As a result you can bet
that they thought, ‘We’re not going to see a film about a military leader that
has got something wrong with him.’ Reviews of the film in London appearing today
(Thursday) were as faultfinding as they originally were in the U.S.

Let me take a better stab at it, Mr. Stone. Maybe people don’t like this
movie because Colin Farrell is a no-talent hack, the movie sucks ass, and the
only selling point that you could contrive for this doomed catastrophe was by
making the main character gay. Too bad he never paid attention in history class,
or he would have realized that the dogshit sitcom Ellen tried the same crap, and
it didn’t work then either. Somehow, I doubt that this wasn’t Mr. Stone’s ace in
the hole. Make a shitty movie, rewrite history so the main character is gay to
get people to see it, and if people don’t, blame rampant homophobia on the
collosal failure instead of acknowledging that this movie had a snowball’s
chance in hell of succeeding. I’ll bet the makers of Troy are kicking
themselves in the ass now that they realize that they could just as easily made
the same easy scapegoat for their shitty disappointment by making Brad Pitt gay
too. I am just surprised that more gay activists aren’t getting pissed off that
their own cause is being trivialized to promote crappy Hollywood pictures.

Officials Capture Wandering Kangaroo
What the hell?

Leadership Rethinking Abortion
What really pisses me
off about this whole Abortion issue is how many assholes say, “conservative judges might
overturn Roe v. Wade.” My argument is “Who gives a shit?” The way I see
it, if a legal justification can be made for overturning precedent, more power
to them. After all, that is exactly what happened with the “Seperate But Equal”
law. Or are you bastards saying that the world is better off with segregation as
long as legal precedent is maintained, you witless fucks?

Physical Fitness May Be Affected by Race
I think this is an excellent
example of how American schools have failed to teach today’s Americans how to
think critically. The headline to this article is a reference to a test that
shows that people of African descent are somehow less physically fit than their
Causasian counterparts because their race is making them less healthy. Nice
presumption, but totally false:

‘Despite being older, Caucasian
patients in our study had significantly higher exercise capacities and lower
obesity levels than African Americans, suggesting that some races may be more
susceptible to increases in weight and decreases in fitness levels,’ Lavie said
in a statement from the American College of Chest Physicians.

does this prove? That African Americans on the average, may be in worse health
than Caucasians. But is that saying that race CAUSES this to happen? NO. It is
called correlation, and saying that being Black makes you more predisposed to
obesity based on the results of this experiment is like saying that diet soda
makes people fat cos when you look around, most people drinking diet soda are
overweight. The relationship is correlated, but without a controlled experiment,
there is no way to really prove conclusively that RACE or even genetics is the
underlying cause of the lack of fitness. Environmental and cultural conditions
have to be considered as well. It is very possible that elements associated
almost exclusively with Black people may be responsible for physical fitness
differences, but that is certainly not shown in this experiment. Somehow though,
I doubt a whole lot of people who read the rag known as Reuters are going to
even bother thinking about this. And as far as I am concerned, anyone who has
bothered forming an opinion on this issue or any other without even considering
what I just said is a fucking fool.

His Divine
Shadow gets new Head
For those people following His Divine
Headphone Saga, it’s over. I win.

Pitt and Jennifer Aniston Separate
Nobody with a life gives a shit.

-His Divine Shadow

Log in to write a note

I was watching TV while my mom flipped channels and E! actually hailed the Brad/Jennifer split as breaking news and interrupted the current show to bring that earth-shattering announcement to the public. Wow. On a completely unrelated note, I was thinking that it would be lovely to see you and another certain diarist I know get into an argument, because he’s violently liberal…

…and violently anti-God/Christianity/religion, and you’re violently Republican (so it seems) and anti-dumbasses. Just a thought. Anyway.

RYN: Dark City IS a good movie. Thanks for catching the reference. Hehehe. Blue dice. I’m like your esoteric joke, baybee.

ryn: Yes, it was he I was referring to, but he’s an intelligent idiot, if you know what I mean…knows his stuff but it’s the wrong stuff.

ryn: sorry, in my pretty much politically-illiterate mind I kind of sided you with Republicans since you seemed so anti-liberal ^_^

January 7, 2005

I give a shut. Now I wont habe to go to jaol for murrd\der because she hisn’t marrief to my husvband.

January 8, 2005

RYN: No, you’re right. I didn’t read it all. It bored me immensely. Same whiney bitching as always. I mean sure, it’s entertaining…but at some point it just shits you all the same. By the way, not an attack, merely an expressive statement. Just my thoughts, not kissing your ass just for the hell of it. Take it easy.

January 8, 2005

So the headphone saga comes to an end, I’ve been following intensly, watching the drama unfold and wondering to myself- which one shall he buy, yet alas now it has ended what shall I do with my spare time???

January 8, 2005

What? Brad and Jenniger are no more? How will I go on????

January 8, 2005

Brad and Jennifer split????? Oh My God, I’m so sad!! *dripping with sarcasm* Who gives a rat’s a** is right… RYN: I wanna a family and having a child would be a great thing to me.

This is the best news EVER. Brad and Jennifer splitting up, I mean. She’s way too ugly for someone who’s that gorgeous. Ah wait. I DON’T have a life. =P

January 8, 2005

You kick ass!

January 9, 2005

OMFG thats MY Kangaroo!!! I lost “Tigger” when I went up north, omg omg the zoo are going to make him do tricks and some perv zookeeper is going to molest him!! Noooo!!!

January 9, 2005

Yay for new headphones

He’s only made the decision because he’s afraid of rejection. It’s easier to decide they’re all worthless.

I’ll agree that celebrities do it for the publicity, but why does that matter? Either way, the money is being donated. Intentions aren’t as important as end results.

January 11, 2005

I know it’s going to be a bad day when one of the “Headlines” on that national news is about a celebrity breakup. Honestly. Be well,

January 11, 2005

RYN: Glass is a drug. Crystal meth. Yeah, I know. I suck…but hey, what do you expect? It’s where the Trippy in Nina comes from!!! XOXO,

January 19, 2005

OH yes….the kangaroo. Didn’t you know we don’t just have cows in Wisconsin?

it’s true… that poor little kangaroo… all alone in the frigid north. -Vær