OpenDiary Babes Part Deux (DEADLINE EDIT)


The deadline for accepting invitations, applying, and
submitting photos is 1/10/05. The entry will be released ten days later. Unless
you have a dam good reason, I will ignore any more notes after the tenth, cos
that would mean more work for me. And y’all KNOW how I feel about work.

And to [Pilgrim], *Naty*, and Trippy Nina: your notes do NOT count as
accepting my invitation. I need to see the word “yes” or it is no good.

My last OpenDiary babes entry was destroyed in the Haxx, so
here I go again, putting the hottest of OD babes in the audience to the center
stage. There are several rules to the series, which are noted as follows:

1). This event is invite only. That means that only the babes I invite
will have a good chance. Anyone is free to apply for the position though, but
chances are that if you are a total stranger who has never noted me before, I
will probably not give it a second thought or a first thought for that matter.
Applications can be send to along
with a selection of photos you would not mind my using (I will ultimately select
one). While some applicants may be considered, only Invitees have a guaranteed
chance of being in the entry.

2). I will not post anyone without written
permission, either in the form of notes or IM Conversations. Note this entry if
you accept the invite. You can also note this entry to apply. All photos I
decide to use must have a final okay from the person who is displayed therein.
If that isn’t received in time, it gets tossed. Unlike last time, I am not going
to wait forever for ONE person.

3). This entry will NOT be faves only.
If you have a problem with lots of people seeing your pic, you probably should
not accept my invitation and definitely not apply if you weren’t invited.

4). No minors will be invited or have their applications considered. I’m
sorry, but that’s the way it is. Don’t like it, bitch to someone who gives a

5). I will not be editing the entry once it is posted either. If
you “change your mind” after being accepted, you best tell me before the entry
goes up. If anyone “changes their mind” more than once before posting, they will
be excluded altogether. And you should also expect a very disrespectful visit
from me.

6). This entry is not a “contest.” Period.

7). If you
think you were not invited or rejected “by mistake”, drop the arrogance; I don’t
make mistakes. Once the entry goes up, my decisions have been made. I will not
be very responsive towards people who contest my selection either. Just cos you
were accepted the first time don’t mean it will happen again – a lot of babes
fell off the map from last time. And powers help you if you decide to argue with
me about why you should be part of my entry if you don’t end up getting
accepted. I don’t care what reasons you have, and you are probably going to get
your very own entry – about people who whine too much about not being accepted
by a total stranger into an internet diary entry for babes.

This entry
will be going up soon. And by “soon” I really mean whenever I feel like it. This
will probably also be my last entry for a long while, considering how much OD
bores me nowadays. It doesn’t help that I have forgotten everything I used to
know about JavaScript. Again.

-His Divine Shadow

P.S. I am also
working on a new His Divine Survey. The other one is cheap.

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December 29, 2004

“I don’t make mistakes.” Heh, you sound like me.

December 29, 2004

ryn: well I want some drugs to make me pay attention 🙂 I can’t wait for the “babes entry! Now, which pic am I going to allow you to post…

December 29, 2004

RYN: Duh.

December 29, 2004

Well Well Well…I’m gonna e-mail you a picture and see if I get an invite. Should I jump up and down with my arms out begging? *bouncy bouncy* *gigglefits*

December 29, 2004

ryn: you are clearly right. His Divine Injection… thats good 😉

December 29, 2004

Hey dude I had a question.Why….although It is a pretty good idea.NVM if I had a pic I’d send it to ya’ oh only one I have really Rhan

December 29, 2004

RYN:Hmmmm…I’ll have to think about that…..the only pics I’ve got are these

Ryn: I’m all over it!!! No, he didn’t use that line.

December 29, 2004

ryn: I do 🙂 Oh, and for the record, I accept the little babes thing and give you permission to post my pics (of my choosing) on the entry. I better decide and email you before I get drunk and give you permission to post the half-nudies!

December 29, 2004

I sent you a few….the last ones my fave 🙂

December 29, 2004

I’m on messenger right now if ya what to hit me up…. same as my yahoo mail address 🙂

oooohhhh!!!! *digs up pix*

December 29, 2004

Yeah but but but… I would be THE OD Babe if I sent that one… 🙂 Oh well… fine!

December 29, 2004

okay okay… quit pestering me, ill accept the invite already. bwahahaha..

December 29, 2004

well if you’re still interested i may have a few pics to send you. nothing special, but you never know. let me know.

December 29, 2004

RyN: USe me and abuse me, baby! 😉 All the pics are of bad quality, I know, but you can pick whichever you like best… Meanwhile, I’ll work on those nude shower pics for ya.

Dude, of course I’m in. I’ve been bugging you to re-post this entry since the h4xx0r 4tt4xx0r (rhyming 1337…never a good thing). The old pic is still good (although I still want you to use the one of mini-me!) but I might send you a new one if I’m feeling ambitious.

December 29, 2004


ryn: Wow, really? I would not have expected a response like that from you, but thanks!

ryn: Hey, thanks. I consider myself a moderate Christian, but of course when it comes to abortion I guess I would be all the way to the right obviously.

RYN: Never make the assumption that (I claim that) I don’t hate people. I hate a shitload of people. I’ll admit it. But at least I hate them for viable reasons. If they’re not viable reasons to you, tough shit. Don’t read my diary.

RYN: I don’t even know who you are dude. Are you criticizing me to try and curry favor with that O’Whore chick? I seem to have a huge influx of readers lately and I had no idea who you all were until I saw you all are buddies with that O’Whore broad. She seems to have this huge agenda to wage some holy crusade against anybody that criticizes Christianity. And all her friends join her. How cute.

(c) And by the way you’re not going to get a rise out of me by trying to bait me with “your intelligence vs mine” shit. I don’t write on OD to have a penis measuring contest. If you honestly believe that you are smarter than me, more power to you. If that’s what it takes to masturbate your ego, fine. I won’t engage in that bullshit. And what I write seems to resonate with quite a lot of people.

(c) And you would have some serious gumption to claim your intellectual superiority to them too. But whatever. There’s people in this world (and on OD) that gives me satisfaction when I appease them. You’re not one of them. P.S. It’s eerie how you and O’Whore repeated that same Michael Moore line almost verbatim. And I’m unoriginal, huh?

Ryn: LOL, I’m not 100% sure, but 2 out of 3 of my last dates left me wishing I’d just stayed home. I’m sure if they were polled, they’d say the same thing though, so we’re even. : )

RYN: I’m flattered that you took the time to read my entire diary. If criticizing me makes you happy, by all means continue. Unfortunately, I’m not going to engage in any debates with you. It’s pretty obvious your opinions will never change. And neither will mine. You’re intelligent enough to know that what I write is very general yet not completely unfounded in facts. But that’s not the point.

(c) The overall theme of the diary is based on shock value and humor. I’m sure you see that. And if you don’t, that’s unfortunate. If you want to actually sit down and debate with me, trust me, I can substantiate almost everything I say with facts, statistics, etc. But there’s othres here on OD (originalsinner) that do that already. Anyways, your note leaving is not even debating and it’s not

(c) constructive. And I don’t want to engage in another mud-slinging, name calling battle. I’ve done that one too many times (it’s a juvenile impulse I can’t control sometimes) and it’s a complete waste of my resources. So do whatever you want. I don’t really care.

Not like you are going to care, but you are a complete misogynist. Also, I read your AIDS entry…Most people who have AIDS are born with it and live in other countries,like Africa, for example. But that’s not the point. It’s truly unbelieveable that you’d rather call people stupid than help to cure the disease. Your priorities are screwy and you sound selfish. I bet you wouldn’t be so quick to

speak against it if YOU contracted it through a blood transfusion or some other way-which DOES happen.

RYN: Actually I’m not sure where that song came from, but yeah, I like it too.

December 30, 2004

I accept your invite. And, If you want you can use the pic from the last Babes entry, if you still have it. I hope you still have it, cause my compy crashed and I don’t even have it anymore… if you don’t let me know. I will send you another, equally babe-a-licious pic. 🙂 You want one of my hamster too? Loves,

December 30, 2004

OK…must find a REALLY good picture, lol.

December 30, 2004

I reaize in my absence since November, you may have allowed other girls to get close to you. Simply for the fact that you are a MexiJew that hasn’t been laid since prom, but as [Pilgrim], I would like to assert my confidence that only a handful of chicks are any measure of competition. Let’s be honest though, how can anyone compete with Casey’s legs? That chick is effing hot!

“Just don’t bore me, or I really will get pissed.” Is this some sort of threat? Subtle or otherwise? Should I be scared? Are you going to call me out next? Should I curtail my diary to your standards for your appeasement? Or for fear that you will “kick my ass?” Tell me then what I should write about? Because that’s what it boils down to right? Should I switch from pro-choice to pro-life?

(c) Support the war in Iraq? What? Should I live my life to appease His Divine Shadow? The funny thing is, I never attack your viewpoints and/or your opinions. That’s what OD is about isn’t it? My opinion? Even if (for argument sake) my opinions were spurrious? Isn’t it my thoughts? And by the way, I don’t appreciate your tone at all. I’ve been trying to be civil during this entire exchange.

(c) I ask, respectfully, that you don’t swear on your notes. It doesn’t accomplish anything but ruinthe aesthetics of my page. Stop now before you start ripping me for how ugly or lame or stupid my diary page is too ok? I happen to like it. Or are you going to beat me up for that too?

(c) Or are you seriously intersted in elevating this argument to a personal level? Let me retract a note I left earlier. Although I can never hope to attain your level of intellectual standards, I am an educated individual so I will do my absolute best to try not to get lost in your whirlwind of academic genius. And I realize that I’m not worthy of your time to debate me but maybe you can…

(c) humor me and drop your vasts amounts of insurmountable knowledge on me and I’ll try to keep an open mind to it. Or we can spend the next few notes insulting each other like middle schoolers (when I have time.) Either way, let me know. You don’t intimidate me. And from this only entry of yours I’ve read, you’ve got a whole load of issues that should preoccupy you before you ever worry about me

Let me change that “educated individual” to “formally” educated individual before I get six notes insulting my audacity to claim I’m educated.

RYN: “this diary preaches hatred, intolerance, and bigotry.” I agree to your characterization of my diary but I really wish you would take it in context, because I know you understand, and I shouldn’t even have to explain that. And whatever you may think of my opinions I hope you know that I’m not stupid.

RYN: In case you didn’t get it, (and by your notes, you really seem to think I was serious) I wasn’t really trying to appease you. I was being facetious. No, I don’t want you to REALLY drop knowledge on me. And no, I don’t take OD seriously but I’m not the one looking for other diaries to rip on either.

AND Fluxity? Fluxity is one of your ‘babes’? I was all set to set into you, actually, you know ‘what gives YOU the right to decide blach blach blach’, but I trust the lady’s judgment, so whatever. I actually found my way to your OD due to some pretty fantastic notes you left for one Frederick Popples. You are one articulate sunuvabxtch…and I’m sure you’ll give me plent to disagree (c)

with in the future. That is if your holiness deigns to write any further entries. Heh.

December 31, 2004

i just sent the pics. let me know if you got them.

December 31, 2004

wow looks like someone went out of their way just to prove another diarist wrong. ::shrugs::

January 2, 2005

Fredrick seems to have it out for ya’.He’ll get over himself.Good luck with that entry.If you were female I would totaly tune in for the OD guy entry but my fishy don’t flow the lebanese way.So good luck.

Rawr. I’m having a hard time finding pics good enough for your Shadowness. All the ones I have are either from high school (blegh!) or from when I was pregnant, and those ones don’t show my face. Hopefully I’ll be feeling well enough to take some new pics before the deadline.

January 2, 2005

I sent you an email with a photo i wasn’t invited but i’m inviting myself.

January 2, 2005

ps.would pose naked but ate too much turkey…!

January 2, 2005

I haven’t gotten my invitation… Am I not a hot babe anymore?? 🙁

January 2, 2005

RYN: Most definetly would love to be a part of it. Send me your email again and I’ll send you a new updated picture. 🙂

January 2, 2005

This is ridiculous. My pity on the women sad enough to send you a pic.

January 3, 2005

*clears throat* YES. Yes, I would like to be in your Babes of OD entry.

January 3, 2005

My answer is no. No, thank you. But I am flattered to be asked.

January 3, 2005

My first stumbling and maybe my worst… 🙂 I honestly don’t know why I am here, but if flyinglow likes you there must be something redeemable(probably not what you wanted to hear :P) I loved your who needs therapy OD hate letters. Happy New Year!

January 3, 2005

oh and dam is spelled damn unless you really meant water falling over man made water blockade.

January 15, 2005

I’m legal now *eyeroll*