First few weeks

Hey everyone just a little update about whats been going on with me before I go to bed.

So I’m all good and moved in to my lovely apartment. I’m barely there though because Daniel lives on campus and its just easier to stay at his place then walk all the way to my place and back. Sometime I stay the night sometimes I don’t depends on how late it is and if I feel like walking really. 

His roommate seems pretty chill about me constantly here all the time. He just kind of sits at his computer an play videogames most of the day so I mean what is there to complain about? Its not like we kick him out or anything. 

Classes are going decently well I guess. I love my anatomy class even though everyone says the teacher is boring. Maybe he is boring and I just lvoe the subject. Who knows? I still dislike chemistry but this teacher is explaining things differently and I am actually understanding how things work so hopefully I’ll do better in this class than I did last semester. I actually had my first chem test today and it honestly ws not that bad. I mean yea I know I screwed a few things up but I thought I was going to fail. I would be surprised if I got under a 70 on this test. I’m kind of understanding calculus. Its a little difficult to grasp but I guess I’m gunna get there eventually. Daniel is telling me to go to one of the free tutors on campus. I really don’t want to go. I’d rather learn it myself and take more time. But whatever, hopefully this is the last math class I need…..though rumor has it Bio majors need to go all the way to Calc 3…..I think I might die. 

Speaking of Daniel we’re doing well. Lots of interesting stuff has happened with involving psychics and roommates and I dont even know what else lol. One psychic was like all for me dating him and what not. It was kind of cute. She said something about us celebrating Christmas and us putting the star on the tree….I hope that means we’re going to last a while. I like having him around. 

On September 24th it’ll be 4 months of us dating which is pretty exciting i guess. I mean that like 1/3 of a year 🙂 . That makes me happy.

I really like being with him. I haven’t been this happy in a while. Well, relationship wise. I mean Alex was great and all too….but Daniel is different somehow. Not sure how to explain it really…..

Alex wont talk to me and apparently is the fuck buddy of some chick at his college. It doesn’t bother me that he’s fucking some random girl…what bothers me is how he;s changed so much. He always said he could never be that guy…the one who goes out sleeping around and what not….he told me he couldn’t wait to be in love again….

Scares me really….but hey its whatever.

Kind of been thinking about him a lot lately. September is just a bad month. Always has been for me. September of freshman year of highschool I got caught with Mike and my parents like hated me, sophomore year Alex and i broke up, Junior year I got all depressed again cuz of something with my parents and senior year I got pregnant and lost my kid…..last year i was dealing with my mom constantly about coming to college…..almost tore my family apart….and now I’ve just been thinking about everything and getting all upset constantly….especially over Nicki….today I woke up after dreaming about him and got into the worst mood ever…..

Nicki is what I named my baby….he (or she but i think it was a he) was conceived in July and I lost him in September (naturally…not sure what happened just randomly started bleeding then yea…). Apparently miscarriages happen a lot in my family on my mother’s side. But….I don’t know Nicki has just been on my mind for the last few days and I’ve been really upset…..

But, hey I can’t do much about it now can I?

Anyway I’m off to bed. goodnight everyone!


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September 18, 2012

That is really sad Sandra =( I’m sorry that you had to go through all that. I hope you had the support of your family and friends to help you through. It’s okay to talk about things, even after the fact. It always made me feel better. *hugs*

November 9, 2012

I am so sorry that you lost your child, you are a very strong person for trying to move past that experience. I hope that the rest of your September’s will be filled with joy.