hmm yea about that, mother…

I’m moving into school next Friday. My mom just asked if I will be alone in the dorm so I answered her truthfully and said yea my roommates are moving in the monday or tuesday after me….then she was like "Well you better not bring anyone into your room." 

Umm excuse me bitch I’m no longer under your roof….I do what I damn well please…if i wanna have friends over…I will…if I wanna have a weekend of amazing sex with my boyfriend….then I will. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me that I’m not allowed to have people over in my dorm when I am 19 years old. 

Bitch, please…

She needs to get her own life and stop trying to control mine. Fine I live under your roof..your rules and I respect that. But when I’m out on my own you can go fuck yourself and your stupid as fuck rules. 

You should’ve heard the way she reacted on Friday and Saturday. Jessica invited me to her place to hang out with her and Ali just cuz we can. I asked her all week and only got snotty non-answers. Finally on Friday and asked her and didn’t leave until I got a yes. Finally (complete with bitchy attitude) she said I could go. She’s lucky I don’t have a car or else I would never ask her permission for anything. Anyway then Saturday I went to Jess’s house and Ali, Jess and I were just hanging out having an awesome time and I knew my mom was prob gunna come around 10 to pick me up so I called her and asked if Alicia and Jessica could drive me home instead cuz I want to stay a little later until around midnight….she bitched at me and was like, "Well if thats the case you should just sleep there." The original plan was to sleepover but I said no cuz my mom doesn’t letme sleepover anywhere. I didn’t even ask her. So anyway when she said that I was like well I could jess has clothes I could wear and then she was screaming at me like "Don’t you dare!" and other stuff but I didnt hear cuz I took the phone away from mmy face lest she pop my ear drum. So yea…..its like I’ve known this girl since 8th grade chill out mother holy fuck I’m not gunna die if I stay over a night. 

But whatever she hung up on me and I was like ok well fuck you too and stayed there until around 1230 got home at 1.

I had fun

But yea……can this bitch just go somewhere please


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You should have just responded that you wouldn’t do anything she didn’t do when she was 19 years old.